"The Hunting Party" Full Review by Metal Hammer

Discussion in 'News' started by Andreina, Jun 4, 2014.

  1. JonasTheRoman

    JonasTheRoman Well-Known Member

    Mar 3, 2014
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    I know there are opinions and different tastes in music, but I have to respectfully admit that I don't understand every single conception of good music.
    I am really sorry. ;)
  2. outcastboy

    outcastboy Sure God's all powerful, but does he have lips?

    May 14, 2014
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    you didn't like it? :ohno:
  3. JonasTheRoman

    JonasTheRoman Well-Known Member

    Mar 3, 2014
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    I wouldn't exactly say I didn't like it. It was just not my cup of tea, and what makes me appreciate this kind of music is the fact, that other people like you are pleased about it.
    Although, like I already mentioned, I cannot exactly understand it. :) Personally I generally prefer, let's say, more melodic kinds of music. :D
  4. NikoLpSoldier

    NikoLpSoldier Daimonas

    May 7, 2014
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    Please stop being rude like that. I never said LP dont make heavy music and i did never say anything like this

    Those answers i got for my post are one of the main reasons i hate this fanbase and dont find it easy to respect someone
    When i say something not against anyone and everyone starts attacking personally because they feel bad about my statement

    Youve got to accept that there are People that love chesters screams so they ask about them
    Those scream fans could easily make memes too like
    "It has the same structure as that other Song there, therefore its bad"
    "Wow dude, that song rocks hard! But.. what about the lyrics? Oh, theyre Bad. That Song is shit"
    "I dont expect they ever gonna make another ATS. (WHYYYYYY?)"
    "Final Masquerade - sounds more like ATS than Hybrid theory - FUCK YES I WILL LOVE THAT SONG"
    "Sounds like something from Meteora- Eeeeew dude, Meteora was so shitty all Songs Sound the same only because of the structure"
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2014
  5. outcastboy

    outcastboy Sure God's all powerful, but does he have lips?

    May 14, 2014
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    i get it. its an acquired taste i guess. i took me many listens to really like it
  6. JonasTheRoman

    JonasTheRoman Well-Known Member

    Mar 3, 2014
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    Yes, that describes it well, I guess. To be honest I fell in love with LP when I heared ATS and it took me a while to get used to their old stuff and begin to really like it. ;) (btw: Currently listening to Fantômas, just because.)

    You've got a good point there, dude.
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2014
  7. SeLDfC

    SeLDfC Well-Known Member

    May 17, 2014
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    true!! ATS fans are acting like fucking hipsters!! yes ATS was good bad calm down a bit
  8. outcastboy

    outcastboy Sure God's all powerful, but does he have lips?

    May 14, 2014
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    the opposite happened to me, i hated most of MTM the first time i heard it, after a long time i listened to it again and loved it, it still is my favorite LP album.

    Director's Cut by fantomas is mostly "traditional" songs, listen to it if you want
  9. Rippin on That

    Rippin on That Stared at the sun once

    May 26, 2014
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    Well I've finally heard the album and it's pretty fucking great.

    There isn't much I can add really that hasn't already been said before so I will just say a few things that I think are a bit more personal to me. Overall the album is goddamn heavy and it's going to be quite an experience sitting down with a good pair of headsets and listening to the whole thing in one go. Now the way it was played was on two big speakers so the songs weren't that clean coming through so it was a little hard trying to workout which track was which. Keys to the Kingdom was the first song obviously and yea people asking for Chester's screaming will be pretty damned satisfied with it. I actually arrived early for the gig and people were still setting up a bit and they actually played a clip of the song and I honestly didn't recognize it as a Linkin park song because Chester was going so hard on the vocals and the electronic voice thing they do was a neat touch that makes it uniquely Linkin Park.

    This album is honestly the most rocking album I have heard for quite a while and I gotta say normally the standout performances in a Linkin Park album is Chester and Mike, it's no exception here obviously since they do vocals but Rob and Brad are the stars of this album for me, hectic drumming and great guitar bits are all over the songs. Stand outs so far for me were Mark the Graves (seriously a song I'm dying to hear on my headphones!), Final Masquerade ( I was surprised people were saying UIG was the softest song as I feel this was actually was but yea I suppose it's hard to actually get a clear defining factor on the soft because none of the songs were actually "soft") and a Line in the Sand which was a lot more heavier than I thought it was going to be and i suppose that's because the length was close to Little things give you away I kinda thought it would be similar boy was I wrong.

    Sorry I couldn't really give a track by track break down but again I feel like I would just be repeating what has already been said and the listening conditions were not optimal for that much an analysis. You would be surprised how things fly by when you are excited for it lol. So don't worry if I haven't mentioned all the songs, it's just because I have horrible memory and also find it difficult to describe music to others.
  10. JonasTheRoman

    JonasTheRoman Well-Known Member

    Mar 3, 2014
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    Thank you for the suggestion. It must be a weird thing watching me currently studying the life of Jesus Christ (exam tomorrow) while listening to this kind of music. :D
  11. RiderSSPU

    RiderSSPU Leave a Trace LPA Super Member

    Mar 25, 2012
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    ^Thank you for that @Rippin On That
  12. Qwerty19

    Qwerty19 Well-Known Member

    Nov 21, 2011
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    That meme actually made me smile, probably because I feel I've read too much of that already :sweating:

    Look. How would someone who has never heard any LP song judge something like Wastelands? For sure, he wouldn't bring up the innovation thing, because he would have no reference point. That person would probably judge the song more on its own merits. And if that person happened to discover older LP material after, he would maybe think that it is the earlier material that is bland.

    All is a matter of perspectives. IMO innovation isn't that important to judge the inner quality of a song. But it plays a big role in keeping the interest of those who are long-time fans and are hungry for something different, that's for sure.

    @ Rippin on That : thanks for the informations man!
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2014
  13. Orange Box Nerd

    Orange Box Nerd Drop the Keys to the Kingdom

    Apr 25, 2014
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    I'm thinking since some people are saying it's like a Heavier ATS, when the album comes out I'll go through ATS then but THP to play after it.... Hopefully I get a good feeling from it *crossesfingers*
  14. Vic

    Vic No game no life

    Jun 29, 2010
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    Rippin on That: Thanks a lot dude! And don't worry, you did a good job :)
  15. BurningTheCatalyst

    BurningTheCatalyst Member

    Jun 4, 2014
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    When does everybody think the album will leak?
  16. Joe

    Joe I'm tried LPA Administrator

    Mar 20, 2004
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    Yet again it's the same fucking people derailing news threads. Who are you people even talking to? Niko just likes to start generalizing and shouting at nobody. Seriously, what the fuck are you on about? You just make these open posts in reply to no-one and start getting really irritated at "everyone" complaining about the lyrics, or "ATS fanboys". This thread has been completely fine until you started to yet again paint a thread with a broad brush without replying to certain people. It doesn't promote discussion and just makes every one of your posts come across as "I DON'T LIKE THING AND NOBODY ELSE SHOULD TOO!". I've barely seen anyone rip on the lyrics or be unjustifiably negative to Rebellion, so please stop with these drive-by posts that are literally aimed at nobody.

    As for "ATS fans" "being fucking hipsters", this is the same idiotic fucking bullshit Niko does. Paints a thread with a label without directing quotes at anybody. Nobody is acting like that in this thread. You're literally seeing what you want to see and this shit stops here. Again, any more open posts addressed to nobody about different types of LP fans without actually quoting the supposed person(s) you're talking about will be removed because it's getting really fucking old seeing threads get derailed with "LP fans" bullshit.

    Back to talking about the review.
  17. Robot Man

    Robot Man Well-Known Member

    Sep 9, 2006
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    When you pay tree fitty.
  18. tripleh3lix

    tripleh3lix Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2007
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    No idea. I say the 10th, 11th at the earliest.
  19. Bane

    Bane Together we'll fight the long defeat

    Apr 14, 2011
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    Thanks for the review man, sounds like you had a good time!

    Do you think Final Masquerade is a soft song, or is it just soft by THP standards?
  20. Rippin on That

    Rippin on That Stared at the sun once

    May 26, 2014
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    Soft by THP standard. It's really a more ballady type song more than anything else. Chesters voice in it just makes me think it's softer than the rest, there's still some pretty great guitar work in there to keep it from being considered an actual soft song.

    I honestly think this is the song they should have released instead of UIG. I think it would have had a more positive reception.

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