Awesome! Im going to be at the Arizona show too! I go to College in Arizona and will be back in AZ in August and got tickets to see the show! What section are you in? I am active at certain points in the year. But the last time I had a chance to see them was in 2012 when they came to Washington but I had to leave for College. Before then LP rarely comes to Washington (only comes to WA during the summer so when they have winter tours we get screwed). They came in September, I had to leave late August so I just missed them. This is the first chance I have to see them. Seeing them in Arizona. Will be great
Kick ass man! Im not sure what seats yet more than likely pit! (got the tickets in a radio giveaway haha) You don't happen to go to GCC do you? ill be attending in August
oh nice! Thatll be fun! I forgot exactly what section Im in but its 100 level tickets. Got the good seats, was worth the extra like $17 I believe it was. No I do not, I go to Grand Canyon University in Phoenix. EDIT: It also helped that Ive been to a concert at U.S. Airways before so I knew what to pick
Ah damn! yea ill be enrolled at GCC this fall,moving out there for film school. I hope the tickets that I got are decent I would assume they are (my girlfriend actually won them for me haha,she just kept calling the radio station till they picked up,I had gave up lol) Hopeful can met up and hang before the show or something
Nice! Thatll be fun, im sure your tickets are good! Sounds cool. Film school sounds fun, good luck to you in it! And yeah that would be cool if we saw each other at the show
Yea,or STP. but cant see em all sadly... I remember back in 2008 I had a chance to go to the project rev show in Ohio....and sadly a friend completely fucked me over and left me here
Ah, im sorry Thats too bad Have some Yeah ive never really had a chance to see them. They tend to not come to Washington very much. The one time they did I wasnt in WA anymore. Thankfully Arizona is bailing me out
Well to all the Linkin Park live concert first timers: Enjoy the show! They're my favorite band to see live, by far. And that says a lot, I've seen probably more than 25 different bands live.
From videos alone they are one of the best bands live. seeing them in person will finally be a treat!
hahaha ill def try some Ketchup! Yea they skip out in TN a lot to,which is another place I live somewhat close to,so I know how you feel there. You would think they would hit WA up a lot
Yeah, you definitely won't be disappointed! Videos don't do it justice though, wait till you're actually a part of the crowd!
I saw LP in September 2012 in Tacoma Washington, it was awesome and I got a meet and greet! They come to Washington all the time around Seattle, but they never come to Portland Oregon sadly. They came here in 2004 when my wife and I first got together and it was on valentines day...we both regret not going. But going again in Washington this September too!