Ok...let me enlighten those critics and fans [or haters] that stick directly to rock/metal/etc... Let's face it, HT was very "rockish" but had it's stylized beats and smart electronica sounds. RE" is more "rappish" but has its hardcore riffs and heavy blasts... Ppl r saying LP changed...no...no...no Theyre experimenting and trying to show a different shade to their music. What about the hiphop heads who never listened to LP until now... I came to this after a complete "hiphop gangsta" said that he listened to Krwlng like I suggested...he said it was dope and he's gonna cop the album What's the big deal? LP is trying to get more fans by expanding what u thought they cud do...so please critics and haters cut it out w/ the bull and stop rating this album a sellout or not worth buying... I still think RE" is better than ANY hiphop album [Excluding Eminem ]
hell yeah, i have an open ear to rap now, except the gansta stuff. the swollen members are a really awesome band, canadian too! although i won't be downloading any eminem or dr dre or snoop any time soon, i still have an open ear.
I like Em, not snoop lol, Dr. Dre has good production skills Em can really spit some goodd freestyle best Ive ever seen
I don't really have a grudge against any music...I like anything that's good...simple as that...The only thing I don't like is the way that trandies/skallies/whatever seem to have a grudge about you not likeing their music...that can be annoying...but it can be ignored too...thank god
i fully agree with you, LP is just expanding their fanbase. basically, they're bringing people together; see i'm hispanic and i have black friends that like LP aswell, they all digged Reanimation due to the fact that LP blended in the right elements to make rock/rap raw and real. They are not your typical rock/rap band, like Mistah Hahn says: "it's a new type of fusion",also their music is truely poignant. i have white, black, asian and fellow beaner friends, because of one reason... we all enjoy LP's music. music helps bring people together, no matter what the diversity and that's why music is my life, well that's just my analogy. now about Em and Re'' being a better album than any hip-hop album...see i've been listening to Hip Hop since the very beginning and it has evolved throughout the years to a much lesser condition, talking about ho this and ho that, how much chedda i have, how many cars i own, and how my 20's spin like windmills and after all this time i still dont know what kind of car Eminem has, how much money he has or how much real estate he owns, isnt that wierd? even thought i do not like Em, i give him props for that. i enjoyed listening to Hip Hop when it was Politically Conscious, now it's ####! ...the best album is Me Against The World - 2pac, The Don Killuminati:The 7 Day Theory - 2pac and The Art of War - Bone Thugs N Harmony