points of authority, from mp3.com (when it actually hosted free mp3s!) it was like in 2002 or something. -Boojitsu21
One Step Closer - I was in the car with my family (Spring or Summer 2001) and I heard this really kicking beat coming from the speakers, I told my dad to turn it up and my sister informed me of who it was. I was instantly in love with LP. The rest? History...
Faint is my earlier recollection of when i really starting paying attention to Linkin Park. I'm sure i heard earlier stuff by them on the radio without realizing it, but Faint would have to be my answer. Around 2004-ish.
It was Runaway I guess...it sounded strange in a damn good way. I kept it in my mind for a big while till I got more of them. It was crazy... I didn't even realize that I saw the video Crawling like during the first days after the single was released. Then, after years, I saw the video again and remembered the girl crying black tears dropping into water-loaded sink
It was One Step Closer, and if I remember correctly I first heard it on MTV or some other similar TV channel.
For me both oscn and in the end , because i went camping with some friends and 1 of them had HT and he showed it to us,cause we had to perform (fake) and since then i got hooked ^^ and i never regret it at all
I become so numb over and over again The first time heard numb was on the bus in the store on the radio and on the internet radio on the same day. I was so happy!. Finally at the store i realize that it was linkin park. I bought all theirs CD ever since.
Breaking the Habit. In 2005, 4th or 5th grade, on a Metroid Fan video. I loved it. I looked them up, but I was 10/11, so I couldn't find much! I either got hooked on Numb or In the End, but I can't remember.
in the end as well. i used to watch the OSC video when i was younger but never paid attention. id always see OSC and the crawling video along with powerman 5000 'when worlds collide.'
I'm pretty sure it was One Step Closer. I loved it buy wasn't into music when i first heard it. I actually found out which band it was some time after meteora came out, then realized I've been listening to them for a long time