papercut, in the end, my december, pushing me away, crawling, one step closer, numb, breaking the habit, somewhere i belong and points of authority
In The End (Demo and Reanimation) Points of Authority Pushing Me Away (Verses) Breaking The Habit Forgotten (All versions)
High Voltage (remix) Part of Me Step Up Sold My Soul to Yo Mama (LOL jk) Papercut A Place for My Head P5hng Me A*wy
I reckon With You is the best... Followed closely by place for my head and my december, lying from you is good as well... I think LP do lyrics better than any of the other bands I like, they just seem to have so much more meaning.
"rise from the ashes of sylistic division" Nobodys Listening. Hands down the best line. Papercut, and With You both have strong lyrics aswell..
well, it really depends on your mood and what you've been through lately. mine was in the end, then lying from you, then a place for my head for a while. now i'm into the rappy stuff, so it's going down, high voltage and dedicated.