I watched it a couple of days ago and I was blown away. I wasn't expecting too much. The movie started out slow but later on everything caught up. It was a perfect balance of comedy and action. Definetly reccommend you to watch it!
Awesooome. SPOILER: My favourite part was when Cap kicked the shit out of a load of bad guys and the cop was like "we need a lockdown on the parameter... etc"
I'm gonna have to go at like the latest showing on a Wednesday night so my theater won't be packed. This thing has a chance to set a weekend record, so I think I'll try to stay away from the packed theaters with crying babies and girls talking/texting. There's nothing better than having great seats in an empty theater, especially for a movie like this.
First half is good enough, second half is completely off the chain and trounces every other Marvel film by itself.
It is indeed awesome. I saw it last Thursday (26th). I will be seeing it again. The story is simple, that works to it's advantage when you have 8 main characters & you want to give them all some development & time in the spotlight. They do all get their time, this isn't "Iron Man & Friends" like some people were worried it might be. While it does have big action & big spectacle (which it delivers big time) that isn't what it's about. It's about the characters and how they come together, clash and learn to get along. All the main players are great, these actors have been so well cast in their respective parts it's ridiculous. Their chemistry is great, Whedon's dialogue is sharp. Honestly, this could have been 2 or 3 hours of them sitting in a room talking and it would have been tremendously enjoyable. That's what makes the action pay off. Whedon understands this. Black Widow is fully realised character here, unlike the 2d entity she was in IM2. Tony Stark possibly the best he's been, and his bromance with Banner is great. Speaking of, Ruffalo's Banner/Hulk >>>> Norton's Banner/Hulk in every way. The big green guy is definitely a show stealer, and Ruffalo nailed it as Banner. Hemsworth, Hiddleston & Evans are all solid, convincing & enjoyable, too. There are just so many memorable moments in this film. Agent Coulson fanboying over Cap is such a great touch. Maybe the most surprising thing about this (aside from the fact it didn't collapse under it's own weight) is just how very funny it is. Lots of laughs, two of the biggest involving Hulk. I won't spoil anything, but seriously funny shit. I can't imagine anyone doing a better job than Whedon has. Juggling so many characters, balancing the humour with the drama, the action with the small character moments - was a mammoth task & he handled it masterfully. I have no problem putting this up with TDK, but I have to stress they're polar opposites in what they aim to achieve. Where TDK is gritty, dark & may transcend the genre, The Avengers is a bright action adventure that glories in it's comic bookiness & even elevates the genre, but is no less clever or well made. To quote Rolling Stone: "It's Transformers with a brain, a heart and a working sense of humor. Suck on that, Michael Bay."
Just came back from a midnight showing. Can't agree more with Moridin's Transformers quote from Rolling Stone. I'm not even a big comic book movie guy, but this blew my mind. The entire NY city battle sequence was absolutely amazing. Be sure to see it in IMAX if you can.
Best film of the year thus far imo but I'm a fangirl of comic book movies :L with the exception of the Spiderman films that have already come out. Those sucked.
When the credits began to the roll the lights didn't come back on, so I remained in my seat whilst half the people in the cinema left, only to Avenjizz again.
From Wikipedia: Thanos appears in a scene played during the end credits of the live-action 2012 film The Avengers. He is revealed to be the one who provided Loki with the Chitauri army. When told by his accomplice (known simply as "The Other") that battling The Avengers would be to court Death, Thanos flashes an evil grin. Thanos does not speak in this appearance. Thanos is portrayed by actor Damion Poitier. Picture.
You missed the second after-credit scene. There are two. Although actually, I believe only North American audiences got it. So HAHA.
Isn't that the scene when no one says anything and they're eating food or something? Unless Thor smashes a mug and asks for another, I'm not too bothered that I didn't see it.
I saw it last night. I never thought a comic book based movie could be so good. This movie easily tops all Marvel movies as the best and is one of my favorite summer action flicks ever. 10/10