But both Alyson Hannigan and Ted (forgot his name haha) can hold their own against JS and NPH pretty well. I donno... the way she emotes and acts just come across as fake to me at times
I always thought Hannigan was the worst actor out of the main five, by a hair's breadth. For me she over-emotes somewhat at times and her delivery can be kind of off as well, but she's easy to like and that makes up for it. No complaints about Josh Radnor either though. Let's agree to disagree, I guess. I dunno if Cobie will be that great in this film, but I don't think it's going to be more than a support role anyway. It'll be interesting to see though.
Shane Black to direct Iron Man 3. http://www.deadline.com/2011/02/shane-black-to-direct-marvels-iron-man-3/ Good news. Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang was great. I hope he'll be heavily involved in the writing too, Leathal Weapon 1 & 2 are classics.
Another HULK film would be awesome. Too bad Edward Norton isn't on board with the whole Marvel movement anymore
More like too bad Marvel was too stingy to keep him on board. His lack of involvement in The Avengers is an enormous blow to the film in my opinion. Bruce Banner has become a character that practically anyone can play now.
New Thor trailer http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uHBnrJowBZE It just keeps looking better & better. Red Skull. [thumb]http://comingsoon.net/nextraimages/redskullhires.jpg[/thumb]
We'll have to wait & see. New posters: [thumb]http://cdn.superherohype.com/images/stories/49672.jpg[/thumb] [thumb]http://cdn.superherohype.com/images/stories/49673.jpg[/thumb]
I always thought that Thor looked like it'd be a crappy movie. It looks cool, I just don't think it can deliver at all
When Thor was first announced to soon be in production, I envisioned that Marvel would uphold a grittier, and 'earthy' take with it's story and visuals. It's unfortunate that the costumes donned in this film emanates plastic and metal everywhere you look. It's definitely going to be a fun time at the movies but it is a shame we won't be receiving an 'epic' film of Thor.
Looks like it has potential. I want to know how they made him so skinny. Also, did they say Mr. Stark at 1:13?
Just a guess but.. perhaps they had a shorter and thinner male actor play the movements of Capt, whilst wearing a green (or blue) mask for the visual effects artists to manipulate.
Yup, Howard Stark, Tonys dad. [thumb]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v497/spidermedia/21-25.jpg[/thumb] Yeah, I'm pretty sure that's how they did it.
They probably used the The Social Network twin-effect. But then again the buffed Chris Evans has a much fuller face. He actually looks skinny in the face as the skinny capt. The trailer looks good btw. Really looking forward to this!