I just started college this past September and met this pretty cool girl. We've been talking for the past two months but I'm not sure if she has any feelings for me. She broke up with her ex before coming to college after dating for just over a year, so I feel like she still has feelings for him. I've never had a girlfriend or anything so it's difficult for me to read what's happening, but I'm just not sure how to go about the whole situation.. Any other anecdotes like this or advice? Greatly appreciated.
If you do think she's been doing things to suggest it's mutual, ask her out or something. It can be easier said than done but you have to swing for the fences.
+1. Just be upfront. It's surprisingly the best way to go once you get past the mind games with high school girls. It's hard to muster up the courage your first couple times trying this method, but it becomes rather easy with experience. Just have confidence in yourself, knowing that with either outcome, no matter what, you'll still be happy with yourself. This helps eliminate the fear of rejection which gets us guys all scared in the first place.
Yeah, if you think you should do it, in the long run you'll probably feel better about trying and being rejected (if that happens) than not trying in the first place.
By experience.. Ask her, have a deep, personal talk about her with this. Shouldn't take too long of a conversation, but ask her. Basically, what Dean said.
So you guys are the first to know (besides my boyfriend). I may be pregnant. I've been off of the pill for 3 months now and Dan and I always use a condom. Scratch that. Almost always. A little while ago, we were in the heat of the moment and we just... didn't. It was stupid. And so here we are. My basal body temp has been between 90.4 and 91.9 for the last three days, I've had some abdominal discomfort, bloating, fatigue, soreness in my breasts and nausea. I am also late for my period. Tomorrow morning I'll be taking my first of 3 pregnancy tests and I'm nervous as hell. Update to follow tomorrow morning. UPDATE: First test was negative.
thats heavy, I'm not really experienced in this field (as I do not have ovaries) so the only thing I can say is good luck
Dean, I'm pretty sure that's what doctor-patient confidentiality is for. I believe that in the U.S a doctor is only allowed to discuss what a patient says with their permission and can only say anything to a person who might be in danger and that's it. I've read something to that effect anyway. ------------ On another note. People. God dammit. Why can people NOT say what they mean? I really wish people would just be more honest and less reserved. One example is when people say what they like in partners, There are so many that ask "Why can't I just find a nice guy?" and a thousand guys pass them by that are nice and sweet and whatever and they just overlook them. No, you do not want a nice guy, so stop saying that you do. It's more likely that you do want a badass kind of guy that has a soft side or something. If I'm going to be honest, I myself do not want a nice girl, or guy or whatever. I want a good person sure, but I like people who have a little feistyness. Someone who will tell me if I'm full of it. Someone who isn't afraid to call me out when I do stupid shit. Someone that takes initiative. Someone smart, and who is intellectually and personally honest and open about what they want and where they're going and can admit if they just don't know. I don't want "nice" and I don't want "perfect" I want Real. and I may be wrong but I strongly suspect all these people saying they want someone nice are actually pretty full of it. There's so many people that you can potentially choose to have a relationship with, just say what you want and I think your chances of being happy will grow exponentially. Just stop saying you want "nice" if that isn't want you want. If you want an asshole, well, just say so and stop complaining, guys and girls. And I don't mean to sound rude, but really this has been kind of upsetting me lately.
So I'm getting sued for nearly $800 by the bank. My original debt was 30-some dollars and late fees drove it up to 175 dollars. Now there sueing me for it and with court fees and all it comes out to like 770 dollars. I'm going to fight although I don't have much to work with. The only things I have going for me is that the reason I'm in debt is because they charged me for checks I told them I did not want and I spent more than I had in an attempt to get a 100 dollar deal they were promoting. Basically its use your debit card 10 times and you get the 100 dollars. I ran out of money before I got to the 10 purchases because of the 20 dollar checks. Also the collection agency was very threatning and I know at certain point that is illeagal. And the other day the guy made a deal with me to work it out but filed the court stuff anyways (which I understand isn't really an advantage for me, just evidence of what fucking pieces of shit these people are. I apologize if I sound. . . . bitter lol) What do you guys think? Help me! lmao
well its going to court and I don't really anything about this sort of thing. How or if I should appeal or if I just go in and make an argument on why its unjustified
I'd advise you to seek legal advice. You should do some research and see if you can find any legal advice centres which may be able to provide you with free advice. If you lived in the UK then I'd be able to help you out more as I know a little about this, however I have no idea about US Law and I think you really need to talk to someone who is an expert on these matters ASAP. Make sure you have proof of any correspondence relating to this matter such as any letters you have written or any contracts that they sent you etc. Good luck!
My best internet friend (of 2 and half years) cut me out of her life forever. It's been a month and half and I'm still not over it. I'm slowly letting go but it's so hard because I don't want to ever let go. She wasn't only a friend she was the best friend I ever had, my second mother and looked up to her. I know I'm better off without her because she was a bitch but I loved her.
Friends come and go, but the lessons and memories given by them are forever yours. It's happened to all of us before at one time, or another. Take comfort that you're better off(as you say) , and before you know it, you'll find other really great friends