Wow okay. Haha. That's how I feel about Simple Plan, I guess. I really like System of a Down. I like their views on politics, I like how they're fighting for the Armenian Genocide to be recognized, and I love their music.
I never really used to like them, but then I heard "Hypnotize" and thought it was great. Then I re-listened to "Mezmerize" and thought it was pretty good. Then I listened to Toxicity and their self-titled and they're also good. Overall as far as your argument goes, I prefer new System of a Down over the old things, although I'm not in love with any of it.
I find myself wanting to enjoy them, and I do when it comes to songs like "Aerials", "Toxicity", "Lonely Day", "Boom", and "Lost In Hollywood", but I find alot of their stuff either annoying ("Radio/Video", "B.Y.O.B", "Violent Pornography"), or too random and odd ("Cigaro", "Chop Suey") to really be able to listen to. Not my kind of band.
Yeah, Zakrisk is right. Anyway, I thought that I should list m,y favorite songs from each album for further discussion. System of a Down (1st album) War? Sugar DDevil Suite Pee Toxicity Chop Suey Toxicity Prison Song Deer Dance Jet Pilot Steal This Album! Chic'n'Stu IEAIAIO Boom! Mezmerize BYOB Question Soldier Side intro Cigar (only for the crazy guitar playing) Hypnotize Soldier Side Attack Vicinity of Obscenity Hypnotize
I like them. Even the random songs like Violent Pornography (which is an awesome song to play loud when stopped in traffic and you and everyone else has their windows down)
I liked "Chop Suey" when it came out, but it got boring quickly. I'm a fan of that type of music, but I grew tired of it quickly. Too frantic and disorganized, for my liking. It comes off as random and odd. If the song is meaningful in the lyrics, I'd like the song to be meaningful sounding, And it is odd and nonsensible sounding, to me. The operative portion of that last sentence being the latter two words, if you catch my drift. Here, I'll bold it. I like more literal songs like "Boom", not songs with vague references that I can't take anything from. Besides, that's a poor example of what I'm trying to say. There's other songs like "Cigaro" that are just pointless sounding.
To be honest, i agree with that was in that other thread. I loved SOAD with Toxicity plus s/t, but i haven't even lisstened to Hypnotize because i hated Darons vocals being over used like that. I prefered it when it was just Serj singing, with Daron harmonizing, but doing a LITTLE more from time to time.
I agree with you that System of a Down have their weird sounding songs. None of them are just silly, though. They all have a very serious message, they just don't always deliver it like they maybe should. Like, for example, "Bounce" in Toxicity. Bounce is an attack at meaningless sex, a very sarcastic stab, but lots of people listen and think "Oh it's just a funny song about having crazy orgies!" "Violent Pornography" is a stab at television and the crap on it. The whole message of the song is against the sexual things that are on the tv. "Vicinity of Obscenity" is a song against how people are watching tv and not even realizing how much sex is on it. How people have been desensitized. The whole song is shouting SEX at you the whole time and no one really even notices. Possibly like a "Violent Pornography" part two. "Cigaro" is not all silly sounding, other than Daron's screams about his penis and waste coming from his bunghole. The song has the lines "We're the regulators that deregulate, We're the animators that deanimate, We're the propagators of all genocide burning through the world's resources, then we turn and hide." A serious message with obvious sarcasm used. System of a Down are always using sarcasm in their music to get bigger messages across. There aren't really any "silly" songs in the self-titled album, with the exception of "Sugar". On Toxicity I guess you could just say Bounce is the only "silly" song. I won't count Chop Suey! because I find that song in no way "silly" or "weird". On Steal This Album! the whole album is very political against war. There aren't really humerous attempts there. Mezmerize has "Cigaro", "Violent Pornography", "Radio/Video", "This Cocaine Makes Me Feel Like I'm On This Song", and "Old School Hollywood". "Cigaro" and "Violent Pornography", as we have discussed, all have serious messages in them. "Radio/Video" can be looked at as silly, I guess. Possibly it's against people who are only trying to be on television? Sell-outs? Some people think System sold out, I disagree. "This Cocaine Makes Me Feel Like This Song" is about drug smuggling, and "Old School Hollywood" is about Daron's baseball game he attended with terrible actors who were stuck up. Hypnotize has "Kill Rock 'N Roll" about Daron running over a bunny while he was mowing in the dark, "Stealing Society" which is actually a serious song until Daron comes in, "Vicinity of Obscenity" which we've looked at as "Violent Pornography" part two in a way, and "She's Like Heroin" about...heroin? A girl like heroin? Mezmerize/Hypnotize definitely have more of their sarcasm and "silly" lyrics, mostly because of Daron taking over as THE CHIEF SONGWRITER. I have stated several times that I prefer Serj's writing style over Darons. If you look at every track on Hypnotize, Serj wrote none of them alone. They are ALL Serj/Daron or Daron M. On the previous albums, there were hardly any not by Serj. I don't mind Daron singing as much as he does like alot of people seem to hate, but I don't like him as chief songwriter. You can't think about his messages as much as you can think about Serj's.
I agree^^^.They are awesome and i don't think being political is such a bad thing.They have been doing it consistently unlike some of the other musicians who did it only during Prez elections
they've sold millions of records and they sell out shows around the world so it doesn't really matter what any of us think does it? lol personally I love them, they can do no wrong when it comes to songs. My favorite is Metro
Yeah, they definetly make their songs sound random, but they usually do have serious meanings. In an article I read, Serj said that he was surprised they went big, because the music they were making, they were only making for themselves to like and thouhgt that not very many other people would like it. So System of a Down dosn't care what fans think, they do what they want, when they want, and it still turns out good. Also, Darron hates the song Lonely Day. He didn't want to put it on the album, but Rick Rubin forced him to.
Daron wrote the song for himself, and never intended it to be on the record, but when he played it for them they liked it so much they told him it needed to be on the album. He didn't hate it at all, just never intended it to be on the record because of how different it was. And, DIJ Metal, I hope you know that they didn't write 'The Metro'.
I don't remember using the term "silly". But I guess it's an apt word to use. Personally, I like songs that have either either literal or decent comprehensible metaphoric messages. I don't feel like going out of my way to research the meaning behind a song if I can't understand it myself from listening to it. You know, it's like reading a book but not wanting to dissect it in a research paper. The song does the work, I don't.
SOAD sucks the lyrics are dumb "it's a violent pornography, choking chicks and sodomy..." i hate that so much and i wonder why i have bought that album