So, who's going to the Sydney show? I bought my tickets today, should get them sometime next week XD Couple of questions, for anyone whos been to the Entertainment Center. I'm in the front bank of seats, Section 11, which as far as I can tell isn't bad at all as far as seats go, but how big is the pit/dance floor there? Also, will I be able to get into the pit even though my tickets are for reserved seating? Thanks
i bought 4 of the last handful of presale tickets just now. i'm in section 28. at the front, as far as i can tell.
You reckon they'll sell out? I reckon they will, MTM is huge here, especially for a real rock album, & they haven't been for so long.
I'm heading to brissy with my gf and bro and his gf...should b an awesome show...havent got my tickets yet but...can't wait
about that - this was actually the first time i'd ever purchased tickets to a show for myself and i mistakenly thought that people getting presale had the potential to sell out the entire show ... so i bought my tickets thinking the pit was sold out - and, a while after the transaction was done, i was, like, "oh, sh*t ..." the last time LP came here was for the livid tour back in '03 and i was too young to go at the time ...
Haha, oddly enough the exact same thing happened with me, I figured the pit was sold out as well. And I was too young to go myself last time as well
it's been 2 days since the sydney tickets were sent out by ticketmaster and i haven't gotten them yet ...
You got your tickets yet? I got them last week sometime. Also, as Chris Cornell is opening, what are some good songs of his I should check out? (Solo stuff or otherwise, doesn't matter)
i'm a bump this thread, there are 5 days left 'til the show. i haven't heard any of chris cornell's stuff. not even audioslave. but i've heard "you know my name" a gazillion times.
I was at the Melbourne show, and I didn't like Chris Cornell at all. They didn't put on much of a show, really. My friends and I were just waiting for him to finish so we could stop spending phone credit on each other and talk. Don't expect much from him, but be ready for LP because they are gonna blow your socks off!
ya cornell played for a fair bit. about an hour i reckon or just under. he was bearable- played some audioslave songs i knew like show me how to live and like a stone, and that bond song i think- but everyone wanted him 2 get off and get linkin park on well worth the wait though- they were fucking awesome last night
Anyone wanting Chris Cornell to get off the stage for Linkin Park should take a fucking history lesson to be honest. I have a feeling I'm going to have to abuse some ungrateful teeny-bopper bellends at the Sydney show. Hopefully he opens their eyes to a world beyond distorted powerchords and drop-b guitars.
Chris Cornell's voice is a pitiful shadow of its former self, and Linkin Park uses Drop B tuning on a grand total of one song in their set, not to mention that Soundgarden and Audioslave drop-tuned regularly as well so your argument is completely hypocritical. You = fail. 10 years ago I would've been thrilled to see Chris perform, but not anymore. He's just completely destroyed his vocal chords.
Get down off your high horse. (You = fail. Who the fuck do you think you are?) You've obviously not seen him perform recently at all if you think he has destroyed his vocal chords. Granted, I went overboard with the drop-b guitars dig, But you've just gone and done the same with this "pitiful shadow of its former self" comment. His voice has been fantastic live since 2004 when he quit smoking. He's been pulling off Jesus Christ Pose, Say Hello to Heaven, etc at 40+ which most vocalists couldn't dream of pulling off in their early twenties. This "Chris has destroyed his vocal chords" myth has just come about from shitty youtube videos from the 2002-03 era when he had alcohol, drug and smoking issues. Since you seem to have jumped on this bandwagon of thought so easily, it might pain you to watch either of these videos. Flawless renditions of Fell on Black Days, Peace Love and Understanding & Call me A Dog. [youtube]pn6zNePwmwo[/youtube] Another flawless rendition of Blow Up The Outside World. [youtube]YnjPUGHMUZA[/youtube]
Come on... not everyone likes him, and Linkin Park are much more popular. Of course people will want him to get off the stage for Linkin Park. Honestly, I was bored from him. I just didn't enjoy his music. His voice was good, he hit all the right notes and everything, but I just didn't like him. I had never heard his music until now, and I didn't really like it. That's just my opinion though, so don't kill me about it. No big deal, really. Just a matter of different tastes I think. I'm not saying 'Oh what a loser, he can't sing, or play and him and his band completely suck', I just think the majority of us liked Linkin Park a LOT better. I mean, seriously, I didn't see even two people around where I was sitting enjoying him. The Pit looked bored to death, they just clapped a couple of times... When Linkin Park came on the entire arena was throwing their arms up and going mad. Are you going to criticize every single person who went to that show who enjoyed Linkin Park better than Chris Cornell? Let's just keep the peace, no reason to start anything.
He still covers his softer vocals perfectly, but anything that he used to sing with an aggressive tone is still painful for me to listen to. I agree he sounds better now than he did basically his entire time in Audioslave, but I'd like to see him pull off a song like Outshined and sound the same as he did in the early '90s.
I think you both need to stop this argument about Chris Cornell. You guys have a difference of opinion, leave it at that.
Hmmm Yes. This escalated quite fast. Sorry Astat for swearing at you. The thought of Chris Cornell opening for Linkin Park just makes me angry, is all.