
Discussion in 'Serious Chat' started by Heavy is the Louis, Apr 25, 2005.

  1. #81
    Heavy is the Louis

    Heavy is the Louis No really, we are so back. LPA Team

    Apr 17, 2005
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    First, I would like to thank Mark for helping this thread out. You really set him straight there, Mark. I totally respect you for it. And thanks for not closing it. Even though it would be nothing against me, as you said, I'm glad that it can actually keep going from now on...hopefully without pestering disruptions such as J-Flex and his remarks.

    At J-Flex: If I see any other comment from you, like Mark said, in this thread, I'll immediately report it. But I think that Mark has already made a strong enough point and hopefully you took your medicine. We were all sick of your remarks.

    To everyone else: I apologize for any inconvienence that J-Flex and his remarks may have caused you. I would think that some of you took his inconsiderate remarks personally, like me, and would think that he is one of the most inconsiderate people you've seen. So, I'm sorry.

    Alright, let's hope that this thread continues successfully.
  2. #82
    User Name

    User Name Angry Marines. Always angry, all the time. >:C LPA Super Member

    Jan 18, 2003
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    You don't need to apologize for anything, Girios. Those comments were his, not yours.

    Took the words right out of my mouth.
  3. #83

    rosanna Well-Known Member

    Apr 15, 2004
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    i have gone forward in my suicidalness. i told michael that every time he breaks up with me i feel like killing myself, and i would never let that happen again, so i won't ever let him break up with me again. he agreed.

    this might sound weird, but he breaks up with me and talks about getting married in the same breath. if youre going to break up with me, don't marry me. duh.
  4. #84
    Heavy is the Louis

    Heavy is the Louis No really, we are so back. LPA Team

    Apr 17, 2005
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    I see...

    Somehow, I feel that if someone breaks up with you, it's not a real reason to kill yourself. Have you felt suicidal before you got together with this "Michael" guy?
  5. #85

    Mark Canadian Beauty LPA Administrator

    Jul 14, 2002
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    I'm sorry, but keeping someone captive in a relationship because they're afraid you might kill yourself isn't exactly something you should do to a person. If he tries to break up with you, chances are he's not as important a person as you think he is and that it wasn't meant to be (although I don't believe in fate).
  6. #86

    goso88 Well-Known Member

    Aug 19, 2004
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    Its ok, girl. No apology needed. Its just a thread. Plus, its a given that people are going to clash over their conflicting opinions when it comes to sensitive issues like suicide :) . And when we get heated, a lot of us generally don't tend to sound our best :mellow: .

    Break-ups are defintely tough and confusing :unsure: .
  7. #87

    rosanna Well-Known Member

    Apr 15, 2004
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    I see...

    Somehow, I feel that if someone breaks up with you, it's not a real reason to kill yourself. Have you felt suicidal before you got together with this "Michael" guy? [/b][/quote]
    yeah i have been hospitalized for being suicidal....he is too....not a good combo i think. and its not like i am forcing him, he just broke up with me again on monday, and half the time he ends up feeling worse than me. i don't know. its complicated.
  8. #88

    J-Flex Ambient

    Oct 23, 2003
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    you people don't accept other people's opinion fine! and now i stoped posting here , "for the sake of suicide planners", everyone keeps on offending me!

    i have to stop been negative at them well just tell me 1 positive thing from their actions?
    thanks to them i get every month late on my way by the train to the uni

    from my side the discussion has just started, but if you rather make this a "helping" thread rather than a discussion thread good go a head
  9. #89

    Kæton is Keaton LPA Über VIP

    Oct 16, 2002
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    Read the first post in this thread over again, J-Flex.
  10. #90

    J-Flex Ambient

    Oct 23, 2003
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    well i think if we want to prevent them from doing it we should let them know how we feel and not just how they feel about it, i mean we all know how sad,depressed,lonely etc
    if they try to understand us they might know why they shouldn't do it, my hard comments was against those who already suicided you can feel sorry for them but that won't change anything it's already too late neither the hard way but it might shock & wake up the planners*

    *those who still want to do it
  11. #91

    aki*lp LPA Super Member LPA Super Member

    Feb 6, 2005
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    Thanks for gifting us :preach: [/sarcasm].
    The bold typed letters just tell me that how could you be so in-sensitive?
    thanks to them i get every month late on my way by the train to the uni -----You lose a frigging train, they lose a life. Ohh geez! I wonder what is more important? :rolleyes:

    Sorry to say, I am quiet dissapointed, as I didn't know some one could think this way?
    Don't tell me thatyou don't go through pain, hate, and misery because I most certainly do.
  12. #92

    J-Flex Ambient

    Oct 23, 2003
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    Thanks for gifting us :preach: [/sarcasm].
    The bold typed letters just tell me that how could you be so in-sensitive?
    thanks to them i get every month late on my way by the train to the uni -----You lose a frigging train, they lose a life. Ohh geez! I wonder what is more important? :rolleyes:

    Sorry to say, I am quiet dissapointed, as I didn't know some one could think this way?
    Don't tell me thatyou don't go through pain, hate, and misery because I most certainly do. [/b][/quote]
    read my previous post and you might understand why i chose the hard way
  13. #93

    aki*lp LPA Super Member LPA Super Member

    Feb 6, 2005
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    read my previous post and you might understand why i chose the hard way [/b][/quote]
    Mind me for my callous nature :rolleyes:
  14. #94

    Leones Super Member LPA Super Member

    Apr 13, 2004
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    Calm down, have some respect for others opinions and try to be open when you discuss.

    This was getting me on my nerve.
  15. #95

    Kæton is Keaton LPA Über VIP

    Oct 16, 2002
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    There's a point and time in certain situations where you need to step back and realize what you're saying, J-Flex. You said what was on your mind, but instead of letting it be, you continue to be so insensitive.

    You now show no case of any sensitivity, understanding or compassion for other human beings. You don't seem to understand that not everyone lives like you do nor does everything happen like it does in your life. You missing a train is completely insensitive and uncalled for. The reason no one respects you is because you came into this thread not only first off making a sacrastic comment, but then to follow it up with such blatant disreguard for anyone but yourself.

    There's a fine line between having your opinion and just flat out being disrespectful and you crossed it. No one is going to agree with you if you have no understanding of any one but yourself and to say that just because they don't feel for you means you shouldn't feel for them. There is other ways out of depression, no doubt, but to belittle people who live differently from you is disrespectful and you will only get disrespect in return, so before you have another out cry as to how you're being treated in this thread, I suggest you look back on your own comments.

    Everyone in this thread is trying to be serious thus it is in Serious Chat. You can offer people advice as to how to sway themselves away from suicide, but you did not do that. All you did was tell people who feel suicidal or commit to the act are less of a person in your eyes and that is not right. I've tried to respect your views J-Flex, but your constant disregard for anyone but yourself makes this discussion tiresome and not worthy of the time I spend trying to make you realize that. I don't know what else to say to you because you always have an excuse. First it's because you were under the tyranny of Saddam--I respected that to an extent, but now that you blame suiciders for your lateness due to the train, you just proved to us all you cannot take this seriously and you need to see yourself out.

    Continue to be sarcastic, make rude comments and overall offend others who feel bad and you'll get yourself another warning. This thread has intentions to better those who suffer depression and suicidal tendencies. People who suffer these problems are emotionally fragile and they don't require your harsh view on the outlook you have on life. It's unnecessary for you to continue to pry at this subject as you are just making a mockery of it.
  16. #96

    J-Flex Ambient

    Oct 23, 2003
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    i understand those who are depressed because i have been one of them before and i try to find a way to turn their minds by make them relealise their enviroment .
    appolegice for my train comments i was a bit pissed at all these disrepecting comments at me

    at some moment you have a point of view after everytime they ignore you and commit their suicide

    i didn't mean less of a person i ment that it wouldn't solve anything
  17. #97

    Kæton is Keaton LPA Über VIP

    Oct 16, 2002
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    Well I suggest next time you either ellaborate or make sure you're sending the right signals. If you can't find a way to explain it, just let it go and say nothing at all because it'll just make things worse if it comes out wrong.

    But you still seem to ignore the final thing I had to say. If in fact all you're going to have to say is these harsh values, then I need you to stay out of the thread, or at least not reply to anything said. People worldwide have different problems, some may or may not partain to you, so those that do not, and which do not require your harsh views should just be passed over. It's a matter of respect and self control, please use them.

    Also, if you've been depressed, then you should know being told you're wrong when in fact the person depressed probably already knows that does not in fact help, it's just throwing salt into an open wound. Like I said, just let it be, okay? There's no need for any hostility, if you are respectful, then you will be respected for the things you say, so please try to keep things in this thread, if you continue to post, positive for the most part.

    There's no need to tell a blind man he's blind, if you know what I mean.
  18. #98

    J-Flex Ambient

    Oct 23, 2003
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    true but the least thing you expect from a forum admin that he understands that there are people with other opinions.

    i doubt about that since most people who i have spoken want to release pain and suffer with it
  19. #99

    Chris LPA Addict LPA Addict

    Feb 21, 2003
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    Thanks for gifting us :preach: [/sarcasm].
    The bold typed letters just tell me that how could you be so in-sensitive?
    thanks to them i get every month late on my way by the train to the uni -----You lose a frigging train, they lose a life. Ohh geez! I wonder what is more important? :rolleyes:

    Sorry to say, I am quiet dissapointed, as I didn't know some one could think this way?
    Don't tell me thatyou don't go through pain, hate, and misery because I most certainly do. [/b][/quote]
    the train, because obviously they dont care about their lives anymore.

    And i'll be the oddball again, and i think what J-Flex is saying sounds something like i would say.

    that part yeah. I did thought about suicide once, but i didnt because i know how much my family loves me and they would be devistated.
  20. aki*lp

    aki*lp LPA Super Member LPA Super Member

    Feb 6, 2005
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    This topic is pissing me off now <_< :argh:

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