Studio Daily sat down with Ghost Town Media to find out more about the music video for "A LIGHT THAT NEVER COMES." The interview, which can be found in it's entirety here, takes a look behind the scenes of the music video to give a better understanding of the concept, artwork and tools used to "wrangle a monster." Check out the interview to find out “What happens if you take something tangible from our world and inject it into a cyber world.” [youtube]ToHo29kD9Go[/youtube] What did you think of the interview? Did you check out the music video and the short "Making The Video" after? Tell us about it in our forums! Source: Studio Daily, Ghost Town Media via Ryan R
They're working with Ghost Town Media? Who envisioned a Visual Album for LP6? Maybe so , Maybe not... We'll see
I just want Ghost Town Media to make good use of their tools (or maybe the promoting team, or whoever is in charge of that). The Living Things art is great but it was overwhelmingly underused. I feel like they make such an effort in making intricate models that end up being just a picture and then move on. And in ALTNC the whole concept of the city wasn't discernible at all in the video, let alone the "districts", if you have to tell us what does everything mean then maybe you didn't do a good job portraying it on the video. It's like they try too hard, "oh look, we can do complicated shit!".
I loved those headshots of the band members that were released but they weren't used in the booklet (or anything else) at all >.< - I remember the sinking feeling I had when I realised that. The "Living Things" album artwork was really boring, especially compared to what we saw in "A Thousand Suns". Fitting, I guess
Exactly my thoughts. They did things way better on ATS (ironic), things were just clearer and not overly complex. Just think of their work on "The Catalyst" music video: that shit was great (still one of their best vids imo)! The art on LT was great but indeed extremely overused. Not to mention that the LT cd-booklet was pretty underwhelming, knowing the art. So yeah, I hope they're gonna either scale down what they want to do, to make it more focused, or actually use all the effort they put into it. Either that or maybe start working with another group of artists, guys.
I really enjoyed Ghost Town Media's work during the A Thousand Suns era. Their brand of complexity and distortion really tied in well with the overall vibe of the album. However, I have to agree with Andreina's comments about the A Light That Never Comes video. You watch the behind the scenes and see all the creative work that went into making this elaborate city with each member having their own district (reminiscent of 8 Bit Rebellion). Unfortunately, though, all that work seemed to go to waste because it's very difficult to recognize the sections of the city. It seems GTM's main artistic tool is creating glitch-y art, I just hope they don't overdo it again.
It all comes down to their hard work simply not coming through, ultimately making it a waste of time. Sure, they built a city with different, distinct ares for ALTNC, but that really didn't make the video any better. Which raises the question: was it even needed to begin with? So, like I said earlier, it's best that they scale things down and actually make it realistically possible for them to showcase their hard work instead of wasting precious work hours by making everything overly complex. Making things complex is good, but ALTNC is the best example of going overboard with it.
Yeah, I don't think that they're bad - again, I just wish that they'd been used in the booklet but I guess I can understand that Mmm. When the making-of video is somehow cooler-looking than the actual final video, something has gone wrong.