Seriously though, holy fuck. As a massive Star Wars nerd, this trailer has got me HYPED. It feels so, right. The music, the visuals, oh man. This movie is going to be one hell of a treat.
One thing that's interesting is that both The Empire and The Rebel Alliance have new names during the period the film takes place in, as shown in descriptions of vehicles and costumes at the Celebration. The Empire is The First Order, and the Rebels are now The Resistance. So it would seem that The New Republic doesn't exist in the new canon (yet). [thumb],fl_progressive,q_80,w_636/ejd5sbirjrabn22qrieh.jpg[/thumb][thumb],fl_progressive,q_80,w_636/ucjvz2vdysb3vnfyr2l8.jpg[/thumb]
I don't give a shit about Star Wars aside from the Old Republic-era but I'll be fucked if that trailer didn't give me crazy-insane goosebumps. Holy fuck.
A lot of people are pointing out that the lightsaber that Mysterious Person A hands to Mysterious Person Two is Luke's lightsaber and the last time it was seen was falling out of sight after Luke's hand got cut off.
yes very disappointed no campaign, no clone wars, no space battles and it is almost like battlefront 2 already has more content that this game.
Quality > Quantity Plus, is a Campaign necessary? These games never had one. Why have one now? There will be single-player missions, if you haven't heard. Just not a full-blown story,
I really wish I still had a working PS2 and Battlefront 2. With the recent uproar of Star Wars news, memories of me playing Battlefront 2 have come back to me and now I really want to play it again.
Ya know, it would be pretty awesome if they remade Battlefront 2 for current gen. Just updated graphics, that's it.
It really baffles me how moronic the Battlefront fanbase seems to be in reaction to recent news of the reboot. "No Campaign" The Battlefront games never had a campaign. Why would people expect one now? That single-player mode in Battlefront 2 was not a campaign, it was neutered multiplayer. Battlefront is a multiplayer game at heart. Expecting DICE to devote a ton of time and resources to a mode they won't even do a good job on is just stupid. There will be single-player missions with bots though, or split-screen co-op. That should be enough to appease anyone who would actually play a game like this for single-player. "No Space Battles" I can't be the only one who found the space battles in Battlefront 2 horrible. Most of the time, I would just raid the enemy ship and destroy the systems from the inside, since that was most effective. It was a pretty mediocre game mode. My favorite memories from any Battlefront game was the ship-fights on the Bespin platform in Battlefront 1, which DICE's dog-fight mode with vehicles seems like it's recapturing. I am REALLY excited for that. And DICE has confirmed that there will be more than justt one map on each planet in the game. It suprises me that people actually believed that there would be only 4 maps.