Its only a couple of stills. It could be worse. You might as well not watch the trailer if you want to completely go in cold. But I know this movie will be hyped as much as the final Potter film, so stuff like this will be impossible to avoid nearer and nearer to the films release. I just stay away from anything that could ruin the plot. Like, we all knew Batman would get the 'bat-pod' in TDK and what the bike looked like etc But we didn't know it was a part of the Batmobile/tumbler until we saw the film. When it transformed and ejected from the Tumbler was one epic moment. I hear yeah. Adapting the Knightfall storyline wouldn't work very well in Nolan's trilogy as there's too many variables to do it justice. But this his Chris Nolan we're talking about. I'm sure hes thought of something different but just as good to work on screen.
Seen this? New Tumblers rolling around Pittsburgh. There's two videos: - Close Up! - Bingo Three Tumblers
FIRST LOOK AT CATWOMAN [thumb][/thumb] Donno how to feel about this. Seems more stealth-y than Cat-like.
Woah, crazy how much stuff's been happening this week with TDKR. Catwoman looks intriguing. Although what I find more intriguing is that shes on the Bat-pod. I wonder how this'll play out in the film?
Anne Hathaway comments on recent 'Catwoman' photos. "It's disappointing. I think everyone feels a slight frustration with it because those stills so undercut the work that's being done," she said. But the actress added that it's not ruining the movie. "No, no one's nervous about it. I mean, honestly, like, wait till you see this movie. Chris is doing insane things in it. And it's gonna be marvelous and it's gonna be way beyond what anyone imagines that it could be. You can't imagine the things that he's doing, at least I couldn't until I read the script and I was like, 'You're really? Okay, you're going there!' And it's Chris Nolan; even the picture that he released of me, that's not everything. That's like a tenth of what the catsuit is. And I've got to say, I find it frustrating and I know he finds it frustrating, but I also think that he's having fun with it, kind of like spooning out secrets. He has a lot more control than you think." Souce: SuperHeroHype
I honestly don't know what people are complaining about Hathaway's suit. Did you expect the guy who revived Batman to not be so cheesy and made a movie involving dreaming seem feasible to put cat ears and a whip for a tail in the third film in the coolest rendition of Batman EVER? There honestly has to be a certain maturity going into these Nolan movies that many die-hard comic book fans just do not have. The Dark Knight made that whole the Joker needs a Batman and vice versa motif very dark and mind-boggling but that theme has been around since the animated series and even before that if you looked for it. Whether you pay to see it and hate it or pay to see it and love it, it really doesn't matter - your ticket's been bought.
THANK YOU. I hate fan boys. They'll bitch about something (Heath Ledger) but when it comes out and it's awesome they shut up. And any bad or average movie (Green Lantern) fuels them to go "SEE BUT THIS MOVIE SUCKED WAAAAH HE'S RUINING IT!" I can't tell you how many set pics from movies look horrible. There is a little thing called cinematography that you can't capture through a cellphone picture. He gave us Batman Begins and the Dark Knight, which were pretty well received, yet people still flip out. These set photos probably represent maybe 2% of the movie. People complaining about the new Spiderman, you'll still see it. The new Superman, you'll still see it.
Nolan goes for feasibility and realism but that doesn't mean he's a total man prude - in every single one of her renditions, Selina Kyle has been an insanely teasing flirt on top of all her slick badassery and I'm sure Nolan and Hathaway won't disappoint. Just don't expect a softcore porno, not with Christopher Nolan leading this thing.
SPOILERS From IGN Batjet? Batwing? Whatever the hell it is called.Looks awesome. [youtube]pg4xDYJh8Os[/youtube] [youtube]5rWw9Ls6vZg[/youtube] Video #3
Wooooahhhhhhh never expected the batwing in a million years. Looks incredibly impressive. Though its basically the tumbler with wings. I'm fine with that
Batman rise of the dark knight new batman movie please comment who will die, who will cry, who will fry???? who you think should play the joker? what do you think will happen? just express you opinions on what you think will happen in the last batman man movie..................... the rise of the dark knight.