check out Spit Kickers dot com it has a small article about Mike, it's tight that Mike is well recognized by the Hip-Hop community! they have much respect for him. Laytz
If you put the mouse over the text talking about mike, it says something that is quite possibly true, it says "Arguably the first band to masterfully blend hip-hop and heavy." Many people would say its KoRn, but I dont see any hip-hop in their music. The closest thing to hip-hop with them is when Jon Davis does the weird rappish sounds. Thats my opinion, but I havent heard every KoRn song ever released, but I have heard all of Untouchables, and its all rock.
the untouchables album rules. and it's great to see mike getting recognized by the hip-hop community. if you click the picture of mike, you get a full pic of the band, chester looks funny. hehehe