I wish BTH was never a single since it once was one of my favourite songs, now I've heard it so much on radio and TV, I'm just getting sick of it.
numb, because i felt that it didnt show the true potential of LP like nobody's listening or lying from you.
I think SIB cause when I first saw it I immkediately thought 'this is In The End II' I think Numb should have been the first single cause that song is entirely sung(Mike's parts are also somewhat sung) and it would have shown how the band has moved from being a Rap-Rock band to a Mainstream Rock band
I'm thinking BTH or Numb. BTH is so played out now. Numb was a good single, but there were better options...
Faint. that was my favorite LP song until my younger sister said she liked it and voted for it on trl.. and she buys all those Now thats what i call music cds.. disgusts me.. all the singles off meteora have been extremely over played except somewhere i belong..
LP is just generally good, but.....i was a little dissapointed w/ SIB. it didnt seem to have that grab you effect that OSC had. a first single should be more....out there. i dont think that first shingles should be all slow and stuff. but it was still a good song. if it wasnt the first singe, say if Faint was the first single, or FTI i woud have been happier about how it all started. things need to start off /w a bang. did i make enough sense?