Waiting for the End. At the moment anyways. On a side note: How come you don't just make a poll? It would be so much easier haha.
Man, it's so freaking hard to choose a favorite! D: But Iridescent wins it all for me. Once again, my reason: It made me cry.
Checkpoint. Really great spread of votes so far. 44 votes so far (including mine), thats more than the Meteora Election got in its whole voting period. We are only 11 votes away from beating the Minutes to Midnight Election record of 55 votes in a day!
I know I should be saying Iridescent, but I love Burning in the Skies too much. Burning in the Skies.
I want to say The Requiem. But..it's not really a song so.. Waiting For The End At this moment in time anyways.
That's a very hard question! Waiting For The End or Iridescent? Iridescent. (I feel bad for not choosing the former, and if I had, I would have felt bad for not choosing the latter, lol)
We have now reached 51 votes in total. We are 2 votes down from the previous record from the Minutes to Midnight election. Lets try and smash it out of the water shall we? Checkpoint.