Thought you guys might wanna check this out, enjoy. the Britney one is interesting.
I heard the Britney one before on another website. My favorite is the "Another One Bites The Dust" one. ;D
My over all reaction 1//Stair way to heaven:freaky and weird 2//Imagine: poor guy, happened in reality. 3//I'm so tired:freaky shit, like predicting the future. 4//Kiss, kiss, kiss: What the hell, enough of the beatles! 5//My name is...:Lol the first one which has nothing to do with weirdness. 6//Pokemon rap:freaky satanic stuff.Good stuff taught to kids 7//Empty spaces:The freakiest in my opinion*chill* 8//Another one bites the dust:MARIJUANA!*sniff* good stuff. 9//Hit me Baby: the best one out there, she wants to go to bed badly .
I usually don't believe that those are legitmately what they say... but that pokemon one is fucking freaky!
So this is really weird. I went ahead and took A Perfect Circle's cover of Imagine and played the same part ("Imagine all the people") wondering if you'd hear the same thing, but nope. Play APC's version backwards during that part, it sounds like "No people understand". Strange
I have seen things like this before. These are not fake. I have tested these on my recorder on the computer, it's really how it sounds. The Britney Spears one is typical...Lol. Just kidding.
you wonder which ones are intentional... the pink floyd one obviously is. the "another one bites the dust" one is questionable. the britney spears one sounds scandalously real.