I fall more and more in love with this album with every listen. What a fantastic effort. Another filler-less album from SSPU. Pretty great to get a 59 minute album consisting of only 11 tracks. The shortest song being 4:41. Gives the band long enough time to build up their song into something epic, and the best thing is the songs aren't repetitive. "Here We Are (Chancer)" reminds me a lot of Alchemy Index-era Thrice.
Saw them live last night. I was super excited. They weren't that great. Still one of my favorite band.
I've heard poor things about their live show, which is really unfortunate, however, I've heard incredible things about their more intimate acoustic shows. Would really like to see a stripped down version of The Royal We (which is my favorite Pickups track)
You need to get used to Brian's live voice because it's obviously pretty polished on their albums. It's often drowned out by the louder live instrumentation. I thought they were great both times I saw them, though!
Oh man, when I saw them open for Muse they had both sides of the Air Canada Center have a "flash-off" with their cameras/phones. It was awesome.
Need to bump this thread as I haven't seen anyone post about their newest album, Better Nature. This band really doesn't do any wrong. Quickly became one of my favorites and instantly fell in love with Better Nature. Tapedeck and Ragamuffin are my favorite tracks so far.
My AOTY so far. Every song is amazing. The Wild Kind is my favorite song Swoon>Better Nature>Carnavas>Neck of the Woods Swoon is my favorite album of all time as well.
I personally like Neck of the Woods over Swoon. I have yet to connect with Carnavas though. Better Nature is just amazing. It keeps getting better with every listen. Every track is amazing, but the standouts for me are Cradle, Circadian Rythm, Tapedeck and Ragamuffin.
I honestly thought Neck of the Woods was just decent. It's a good cd, but for the standard they set with their first two albums and EP, it just falls way short of those to me. My favorites from Better Nature right now are Cradle, Ragamuffin, and The Wild Kind so we are pretty similar in that aspect.