I was thinking about if LPA would benefit from a Sidebar on the forums? In this we could have our Twitter/Facebook updates, our shoutbox (almost was about to say cbox that's another thing altogether) and just general updates with links. So it would be a quick reference to the news. I also know a great code for a sidebar as well.
I can't say I like the idea, but its more of a personal opinion. For one the sidebar would be very cramped in a sidebar, and therefore be harder to read. It's perfect in the place it is right now. Twitter and Facebook updates would be alright but mostly they link to the latest news posts. There are some where it is just a thanks or something. With a list of the latest news updates which I think you said there, I don't see this necessary as go get to the forums I go through the homepage. I also wouldn't want the forums cramped. They are a perfect size for me and I like it this way, a sidebar will only have to take up some of that room, although it wouldn't be too bad.