I'm surprised in a way that it hasn't been made legal, so then the government can sell it themself, think how much money they'd make then! I guess maybe that's why it isn't legal then? I don't know.
Yes for the best Personally, I think Marijuana SHOULD be legalized because maybe that would cut back on the alcoholics because now they could smoke pot legally. that would cut back on drunk drivers and I have driven before when I was high and nothing changed about the way I drove. Weed is safer than Booze.
No it isn't. He could have been in a worse condition than somebody who only casually smokes marijuana. As for the link, tell us something we don't know.
Actually, when they say "under the influence of marijuana" they really mean that it was in thier blood stream. The legal limit is something like 5nm. which is less than you would have in your blood stream if you walked by someone smoking it and breathed in the other day, or went to a concert more than 3-5 DAYS ago, even if you never felt any affects from it. There is NO WAY that that TINY amout could impare you in any way whatsoever. Our laws are completely unrealistic. Also, that mythbuster thing on Aaron's post, about how many kids smoke pot, it is TOTALLY false for my highschool. When I graduated, I knew of more people who had smoked, than who hadn't in my senior class. Then if I didn't know they did, my friends told me that they smoked with them, or i'd seen them go off, or they smelled like it. Sure, not everyone smokes, but I'm sure, that at least 50% of my senior class had smoked, let alone other drugs. But last year, 1/3 of our student body had been suspended by the end of the first quarter, so I must not have been in a very good school. Still, drug use was so common, I would see people holding up pot leaves and flashing thier pipes right off campus. Its something I had to deal with everyday.
in maryland, where i live, sodomy is illegal. even if they walk up to your house. like if you're in the middle of it and they bust you for having weed, they'll get you on sodomy too. i heard there's this town in colorado where you can have up to an ounce of weed and it is legal. anyone else heard of it? (michael told me that so i don't know if it's true or not. he also wants to move to amsterdam just to grow legal cannabis plants so...)
In Cali, I think it is legal to do that....don't quote me on that though. I havn't lived there in years, but I'm pretty sure. Also, Oregon is really liberal with the laws aswell. Reno actually tried to pass a law like that...it passed...but now it has to go to legislation. we only passed it enough to make it eligible to be voted on. it now has to go through miles and years worth of red tape...and it probably won't pass with this being such a conservative state. <_<