Things have been made illegal that shouldn't be. Just because the government makes something illegal, does not mean they're right in doing so. Things that have been illegal at some point in time: Liquor Abortion Saying the word "piss" on TV Gay Marriage And to top it off, in some states, there are laws that say anything besides regular sex is illegal. So marijuana may be illegal, but that does not mean it should be illegal.
LOL. If you're fighting this hard to prove why marijuana is illegal AND FAILING OMGZ why don't you fight that hard and go ban alcohol and cigarettes?
LOL. If you're fighting this hard to prove why marijuana is illegal AND FAILING OMGZ why don't you fight that hard and go ban alcohol and cigarettes? [/b][/quote] My guess would be becuase those weren't made illegal by the government.
i think it would be ok to be legal for a certain age, like alcohol. it would not be good for all these little 12 year old kids going to school stoned and saying that they can because it is legal. it's a responsibility thing, and people need to know how to handle it.
but u also gotta think that weed leads onto experiencing more drugs. dont argue with me about that. Cos we all thats true. [/b][/quote] I've done weed a few times and the hardest drug I've had is whiskey diluted with black coffee. Yeah, and I think it should be allowed with prescription as well.
Water can kill you if you drink too much. I shuts down your kidneys and liver becuase it over loads them. It happened in a hazing accident just last year at my school. Anything can kill you. I don't feel it is a good argument at all.
Water can kill you if you drink too much. I shuts down your kidneys and liver becuase it over loads them. It happened in a hazing accident just last year at my school. Anything can kill you. I don't feel it is a good argument at all. [/b][/quote] Burrrrrrrrn. So whats the verdict so far anyway?
Yes it should be legalized. Mostly so cops can focus on more important things than capturing people that are affecting their own bodies and probably not doing anyone else any harm.
Amen to that! All of our prisons are filled up with drug charges when the violent ppl are still out there! Until just a few years ago, to be in the possession of pot in this state was a larger offence and you would be sent to jail longer than someone who brutally beat and battered thier wife! It makes me sick!!!!!
Amen to that! All of our prisons are filled up with drug charges when the violent ppl are still out there! Until just a few years ago, to be in the possession of pot in this state was a larger offence and you would be sent to jail longer than someone who brutally beat and battered thier wife! It makes me sick!!!!! [/b][/quote] It sickens me too.
Heh, it's probably more likely to die from choking on orange juice (or any other beverage) than it is to die from smoking weed. I agree with Holiday. Someone could die from anything, so it's not really a legit argument to say that weed shouldn't be legal because it could kill you. Skydiving could kill you. Should that be illegal? How about bungee jumping? Or maybe even swimming, or riding in boats. You could drown you know!
Coming from someone who was almost arrested for smoking it... Yes, it should be legalized. Edit: Can I just make the point that you can't actually get addicted to weed... @rosanna1114: The thing is, you can have separate rules in school. Eg. In my school you can be old enough to smoke and drink but aren't allowed to in school and you're not allowed to let the effects of it be carried into school... So it would work.
It should be. Or at least, it should be legally prescribable because I see more good in it than bad. Surely, there's some things that Marijuana does to you that people look at as a "down-size", but look at it this way: A lot of things that we use to help us, ill us in some way. That's why there's always that last-minute real fast talking guy in the end of every commercial, telling you all the bad things the product will do to you.