okay whatever. teh outsider is hungry and hopes that at least someone will see my point of view. im going to argue later when im not hungry. [/b][/quote] No one is going to agree with your point of view because it seems less educated than everyone else who thinks there's nothing wrong with marijuana. And I'm not just saying that because you have a differing opinion, it's just that most of the things you're saying are dead wrong or completely off-the-wall assumptions. I hate the smell of weed. I made a pact at a young age never to smoke a cigarette (which was later revised to include joints as well), and I plan to keep that pact. I'm against it for personal reasons, but who am I to tell others what they can do? That's something you should take into account as well. No one's getting harmed by weed directly. Smoke from lighting it can cause lung damage, but weed itself has no harmful effects. One can make the argument that weed leads to harder drugs, but that's the person's fault, the weed isn't forcing them to do the harder drugs. That's just stupidity.
"I'm against it for personal reasons, but who am I to tell others what they can do?" Topic summarized! Hooray!
I agree with this statement so much that words would never be able to describe just how much I agree with it. Almost all of my friends that've smoked weed have only smoked weed and nothing else. A few of them have tried other things but that's simply because of experimentation, which every human is entitled to. No-one's allowed to say what you can and can't try in your own home.
I agree with this statement so much that words would never be able to describe just how much I agree with it. Almost all of my friends that've smoked weed have only smoked weed and nothing else. A few of them have tried other things but that's simply because of experimentation, which every human is entitled to. No-one's allowed to say what you can and can't try in your own home. [/b][/quote] I agree. Lots of people in India and other places use it for religious journies too (like someone said above me) so I think that it should legal for them especially.
This topic is awesome Yes, it should be legal. Its legal in Holland and i've never had any problems with it. None of my friends do it. I did smelled it, but that was when I was at a Eminem concert
im not saying the statatics of drunk drivers are less then stoned drivers... hell no ! i am saying it hurts a lot to the relatives + close friends to see their loved ones/ friend to see them be killed by an evil substance. no matter if u put an age limit on it, kids in yr 7 i know, are already on the path to hearing voices, and going nutz then eventually die because their brain wasnt developed enough. Maybe if their brains developed at least 20, they have the less risk of the substance killing them. its the addiction part im also worried part. it might be a medical heaven to sufferers of extreme pain, but you also have to think of the cons, involved. [/b][/quote] You seem to miss my point. I'm just saying that it should have restrictions just like alcohol has it's restrictions. The only reason marijuana is illegal is because the U.S. government can't tax it like they do with tobacco, alcohol, gas, and other sintaxed products. If the government somehow found a way legalize marijuana and put a sintax on it efficiently, I'm sure they would do it in a heartbeat, because it would raise revenue tenfold.
Like I said earlier, I have been smoking weed for almost 3 years now. My GPA is 3.5 and I got a 30 on the ACT. So the whole "weed makes you stupid" thing is ridiculous. I'll admit, I smoke quite a lot. I probably do it 2-3 times during the week and probably twice on the weekend. Mark speaks the truth. My school is filled with rich white kids. If you don't do cocaine, you're considered uncool. I couldn't tell you how many times someone has tried giving me some coke and how many times I've declined. Weed dosen't lead to anything.
What is with rich people and cocaine? My girlfriend's family has a $250,000+ annual budget and she did coke for 2 years. Those are just the greedy bastards looking for a more intense high. If you're that weak-minded, you need more than just drugs.
pot = should be legal. nothing harmful about it. sorry to disagree with the trendy admins in here, but there isnt. it is an elightment drug and it does make you smarter while "stoned". you look at life in another perspective,; you look outside the box, as some put it. alcohol and cigs are soo much worse for you. and some perscription meds have terrible possible side effects. the worst side effect from weed : hunger and cottonmouth
How convienent? You just found out a "fact" when you were clearly getting owned in a debate. Now either show some proof or stop posting your "facts"
Give us some sources at least because from here, that is totally false. [/b][/quote] http://www.childsafetyaustralia.com.au/com...drugs/drugs.htm !!!!!
http://www.childsafetyaustralia.com.au/com...drugs/drugs.htm !!!!! [/b][/quote] Of course a child safety site is going to be biased. Either show some scientific facts or stop making claims. !!!!!
I smoke weed occasionally, I'm not addicted at all. I never even want to touch another drug so I wouldn't consider it as 'the gate way drug' as everyone claims it to be. I think Marijuana should be legalized with restrictions. Cigarettes are way more addicting and harmful the weed. Weed (from what I've read and heard) does not create cancer within the lungs and is not an addictive substance.
You keep quoting anti-drug websites. Well no shit they're gonna be biased and falsify info. You provide me scientific evidence from a non biased website and I'll believe you. Until then, you have no proof! !!!!!
You keep quoting anti-drug websites. Well no shit they're gonna be biased and falsify info. You provide me scientific evidence from a non biased website and I'll believe you. Until then, you have no proof! !!!!! [/b][/quote] Want more reasons: http://bbsnews.net/bw2003-01-15a.html http://www.changetheclimate.org/facts/ http://www.usdoj.gov/dea/ongoing/marinol.html http://www.glenwoodsmith.com/hemphistorian/facts.html http://www.alternet.org/drugreporter/23806/ http://www.asapfamily.com/factmari.htm