I'm not sure if anyone has already said this, but the reason you may not here about people being killed by stoned drivers may be because they are not many (because pot is illegal). If you legalized it that may change. However, if the government makes money off it like cigarettes and alcohol then they'll legalize it eventually. [/b][/quote] I'm sorry, but there are WAAAAAAAAY more people that smoke pot on a regular basis than you think. Seriously, it is so common. I would say that most of my friends do it on a regular basis and I have many who are pure pot heads. sure, there arn't as many people who smoke pot as there are people who drink, but drinking inhibits you SO much more than a few puffs. At least when you smoke pot, you don't black out like you do when you drink too much and do all kinds of things you can't remember (personal, very bad experience that is all too common). When you smoke too much you just fall asleep....a much better alternative imo.
No, I have not. I have had friends who smoked it every day, and they're not killing themselves. Have you ever heard of anyone killed by a stoned driver? No, not often. Have you ever heard of anyone killed by a drunk driver? Every damn day. [/b][/quote] well guess what? my bro is F***ed up because of it. and i dont want to see anymore victims, as i see in his friends. its just too damn easy to get addicted and dont stop. and it hurts the families of the victims. i am a sister of a victim. BTW, my aunt was a victim of a hit and run. the guy was stoned.
well guess what? my bro is F***ed up because of it. and i dont want to see anymore victims, as i see in his friends. its just too damn easy to get addicted and dont stop. and it hurts the families of the victims. i am a sister of a victim. BTW, my aunt was a victim of a hit and run. the guy was stoned. [/b][/quote] So he's dying? He's been diagnosed? And how many people die from drunk drivers a year? That's why driving drunk is illegal. Again, legal with restrictions. I smoke weed every once in awhile, but the habit is going to die very soon since I'm enlisting in the Army in May of 2006.
well guess what? my bro is F***ed up because of it. and i dont want to see anymore victims, as i see in his friends. its just too damn easy to get addicted and dont stop. and it hurts the families of the victims. i am a sister of a victim. BTW, my aunt was a victim of a hit and run. the guy was stoned. [/b][/quote] I'm sorry for what you've been through, but you are in the vast minority. WAY more people have ruined thier lives on alcohol than will ever hurt thier lives on pot. We tried prohabition in the '20s and it didn't work, just more people were dying from home made booze that was dangerous and even more potently poisonous. Alcohol is the epidemic. It destroys brains and livers and kidneys. Pot hurts your lungs. They both have their faults, but pot is far and away better than alcohol. I would support prohabition before I would support the choice that pot is illegal.
So he's dying? He's been diagnosed? And how many people die from drunk drivers a year? That's why driving drunk is illegal. Again, legal with restrictions. I smoke weed every once in awhile, but the habit is going to die very soon since I'm enlisting in the Army in May of 2006. [/b][/quote] im not saying the statatics of drunk drivers are less then stoned drivers... hell no ! i am saying it hurts a lot to the relatives + close friends to see their loved ones/ friend to see them be killed by an evil substance. no matter if u put an age limit on it, kids in yr 7 i know, are already on the path to hearing voices, and going nutz then eventually die because their brain wasnt developed enough. Maybe if their brains developed at least 20, they have the less risk of the substance killing them. its the addiction part im also worried part. it might be a medical heaven to sufferers of extreme pain, but you also have to think of the cons, involved.
outsider... youre a moron who obviously has never smoked weed. if you had and had done it correctly, youd know there is nothign wrong with bud. youre only relaxed and more focused on things then when youre not on it. no one dies of weed. idiot.
oh and if your aunt died of a hit and run, howd you know the driver was "stoned"? wasnt it a hit and run, therefore he ran and hence you wouldnt know why? idiot + liar
i have done weed. i was paranoid. i was stoned. and i dont plan on doing it again. dude, get the effects of weed and see what it does to u.
hahah im stoned right now and guess what?? IM NOT DYING [/b][/quote] Are u for real? dude. i feel so sorry for u.
You're warned for flaming. Weed is no more addicting than cigarettes, if anything, I'd say less addicting. Watch someone who's a heavy smoker. They need to light up every 10 minutes or else they go nuts. A heavy weed user, on the other hand, can go a lot longer, days sometimes, without smoking before any addiction really kicks in. Outsider, you can't punish an entire group for the actions of a few. This is the exact reason why prohibition failed. A few people out of many will do something stupid stoned. There are a few people out there on the internet commiting crimes, it would be sensless to make the internet illegal. It's senseless to keep weed illegal. One last thing, you do realize by being illegal, that's not stopping a god damn thing? Weed is easy to get. Of course, it's not as easy as buying cigarettes....I can walk right across the street to the gas station and get some cigs if I wanted to. But, getting some weed would not take much more effort. It's like piracy. The government can say it's illegall all they want, but they're not stopping people from doing it. Just legalize the damn weed since people are going to do it anyways and its harmless. Save the cops for going after real criminals, like murderers and whatnot instead of some high school kid looking for a fun time.
You're warned for flaming. Weed is no more addicting than cigarettes, if anything, I'd say less addicting. Watch someone who's a heavy smoker. They need to light up every 10 minutes or else they go nuts. A heavy weed user, on the other hand, can go a lot longer, days sometimes, without smoking before any addiction really kicks in. Outsider, you can't punish an entire group for the actions of a few. This is the exact reason why prohibition failed. A few people out of many will do something stupid stoned. There are a few people out there on the internet commiting crimes, it would be sensless to make the internet illegal. It's senseless to keep weed illegal. One last thing, you do realize by being illegal, that's not stopping a god damn thing? Weed is easy to get. Of course, it's not as easy as buying cigarettes....I can walk right across the street to the gas station and get some cigs if I wanted to. But, getting some weed would not take much more effort. It's like piracy. The government can say it's illegall all they want, but they're not stopping people from doing it. Just legalize the damn weed since people are going to do it anyways and its harmless. Save the cops for going after real criminals, like murderers and whatnot instead of some high school kid looking for a fun time. [/b][/quote] i know my sister is a heavy smoker and she refuses to give up even though shes breast feeding my 5 month old nephew. but u cant say, there isnt any cons of marijuana. i know the government cant to do anything about, and i know the differences between a sufferer of pain and a teen looking for a good time. isnt a long term side effect of weed, is schzophrenia.(cant spell it right?)..doesnt that lead to mental problems?
I agree. Weed is proven to only be phycologically addicting, and not physically. It is far far harder to quit cigarettes and/or alcohol or any other addictive drug than weed. Over all, out off all the toxins you could put inot your body, weed is by far the best (even including the legal ones)
No, you can't. There's a con to everything you do. But the cons of marijuana are not as bad as the anti-drug media wants you to believe. The cons are mostly the addiction, being addicted to anything is bad. But cigarettes are addicting. Alcohol is addicting. But cigs and booze have additional effects besides addiction and are legal. Go figure
I've got a lot of friends who've smoked pot for years on a daily basis and they're not dying. Actually, they're a lot smarter than most of the students that get straight-A's. In my opinion, weed's an "enlightenment" drug. I'm sure that Einstein was stoned when he discovered the "Theory of Relativity." But, at any rate, weed's no-where near as bad as cigarettes. My girlfriend smoked weed for years and had no problems and she still doesn't have any problems (granted, she stopped, but that's not the point). Weed's an all-right drug, if you ask me.
No, you can't. There's a con to everything you do. But the cons of marijuana are not as bad as the anti-drug media wants you to believe. The cons are mostly the addiction, being addicted to anything is bad. But cigarettes are addicting. Alcohol is addicting. But cigs and booze have additional effects besides addiction and are legal. Go figure [/b][/quote] okay whatever. teh outsider is hungry and hopes that at least someone will see my point of view. im going to argue later when im not hungry.
Yeah, UC Santa Cruz is an awesome school and they have the highest rates of pot smokers out of any school. Pot is also used as religious journeys. I think it is wrong for it to be illegal. It's been used for thousands of years. It's not like its a new drug or anything... The same sort of things go for shrooms. I know this debate isn't about shrooms, but many people reach a whole new clairity on life and the world around them. It has been used by Native Americans, for again, hundreds, if not thousands of years. These are natural things that have been available to human kind for eternity (at least as long as we've been around) and I thinkg that it is all hyped up a hell of a lot worse than it actually is.