Victimized was one of the great songs during the LT era and arguably now. Chester and MIKE are very on point for the song, very well done. I wish it was a little bit longer or more of an ending. But the song was made to be quick like a punch. I am still kinda surprised that victimized made it onto LT somehow. I always wonder why they went with it on the record even though it's kind of out of place. In the end, who cares, it's badass.
The folk influence is more a reference to the gang vocals found in Battle Axe that sounded very folky, but later transformed into the opening we have now. And no, it does not ACTUALLY say "Linkin Park going back to their roots" - it was just what fans interpreted when they first heard it. I just thought it was a cool interpretation considering the song is easily the heaviest the band had in years and displayed a lot of traits found originally in their roots.
The heaviest song they have made IMO, it's a banger. Love it. But I don't agree with Chester's quote that Mike's rap on this is some of his best. It's pretty basic if you ask me...
Victimized is great for being less than 2 minutes. A bunch of fun different sections to it, not spectacular but still fun. I wish they would have kept the gang vocals or included it on the remix. They should do one or two short songs like this on the albums. Rob's drumming is great too. Mike's remix is repetitive but it is very energetic. Joe incorporated it into his Medley last year which is pretty cool. Live, Mike can't sing, but the rest sounds good. Brad and Dave do a lot of the samples, so I wonder what Joe's job is on it. When it turns into QWERTY, that is just awesome. And here's a video of the recording of it with gang vocals: Some of the early lyrics: Build me up from the depths of my despair Make me whole and deserving And then I'll take back the Make me At the start I was [full of something true] In the end I was nothing [And I will promise you one thing] [I will never be fooled again] From the start I was [helpless in your hands] After all I was nothing And I will promise you I'll never let again Won't be hurt again And it sounds like they each did a different take on it. This post is longer than Victimized
Victimized is a total fucking banger. All those different elements pieced together fit so fucking great. The remix is a monster aswell.
"Victimized" is one of my two or three favourites on "Living Things". Chester delivers great vocals, Shinoda delivers a decent (if brief) verse, IMO, one of his best in the last few years; there isn't a single moment of the song that I dislike.
Ah...Victimized. Honestly,this song doesn't really get my attention.I read a youtube comment once,said something like "Victimized sound's like an 8 year old just banging the drums,so all over the place".And honestly,I think he has the point.I'm not saying I don't like this song AFTER I read that comment,but in fact,that comment pointed out what I felt uh...Not right with this song.It's a banger of course,especially when it's combined with QWERTY.But that's it.I don't feel anything special.The only thing that saves this song for me is the intro.Not rap,not the screams,not the instrumentation.
I feel like I'm the only one who doesn't like this song. It's one of the wost songs of LT. In fact, I actually consider it one of their worst songs along with crawling. I just think it's too cheesy and wierd for some reason.
"Cheesy" is rightfully a negative descriptor but, with Linkin Park, anything that could be considered "weird", or at least more than ordinary, is good to me
Just let it be, if that's what he wants to think just let him think it. But we know in our hearts what is true.
Yes, i understand that it is not actually death metal... But when Chester himself describes Victimized as "folk, then rapidly dips into hip-hop, punk rock, death metal and back to folk music", I'm going write that yes it carries certain ELEMENTS of the genre in the song. Even if they aren't readily apparent at the surface.
Victimized may include elements of Metal, but in no way is it Death Metal. Even if Chester thinks it does, I think it just goes to show his ignorance of the genre. If anything, Victimized is influenced by Hardcore/Metalcore [video=youtube;JgmIHhGv_Wc][/video] Totally sounds like Victimized man.
The only elements of death metal it carries is the fact that there is a guitar, drums, bass, and a vocalist. (playback disabled for some reason) There's death metal. Not to be confused with deathcore though.