If you don't like STP, whatever, not everyone has to like every band out there, but to call them generic is fucking lame and uneducated. Let me guess they are a grunge band too???? Do they sound at times like Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd and the Doors, sure! But then again I don't find those band generic. It's like me going oh Linkin Park is a rap/rock Limp Bizkit band that everyone outside of die hards equate them to. Honestly, I really wouldn't know any better of LP unless I took the time to listen to their catalog. Don't tell me you've done the same with STP, because you obviously haven't. Honestly the only reason they aren't as successful as they used to be is because they don't write generic "Nickelback" shit. Well and because Rock is dead in America!
I don't know maybe it's just me, but I am familiar with all different types of rock music. I didn't grow up in the 60's,70's, 80's and I hate this generations rock, but I certainly know who the bands were in those generations.
Have you taken the time to listen to Nickelback catalog to call them generic? I agree with your post anyway.
Yes, I love their 2nd album The State. It was their last good album IMO. Leader of men is a pretty kick as tune.
My band covered that song and I was so focused on the lyrics so that I didn't slip up and sing "Since I prefer to swallow." True story.
Forgive meteora lovers vs meteora haters. The new war between LP fans The ones who love that chester is stp new lead singer vs the ones who think that is a bad decition and affect Lp in a bad way . (and fans of course) well im on the second one, it is a bad decition for several reasons, i can´t see a single benefict for LP for that movement. I think you all people are taking all this chat/feedback too personal. I dont like the fact that LP is borrowing chester, who fkin cares???? no one I dont give a f..uck about stp, who fkin cares??? no one. Im posting all this thoughts of mine because im just sharing my opinion, you got a different opinion, it´s fine i respect your opinion, but i give you a lot of different reasons to support what im saying. You say i dont know nothing about music, it´s fine we all know personal music tastes are very very relative. Is LP a better band than stp??? definetly. Is chester bennington one of the best singers of the last 10 years?? definetly. Does chester decitions affect the band and its fanbase???? yea, we just got the new LPA with special guests. ( not so special IMHO) FM and DBS are fine. Is LPA the number one lp site over the web??? of course Are members of LPA the most pasionate fans of LP around the world??? Yes. This is an event that has market LP, i dont like it, but i´m not leaving my favorite band because of that. I love you LP. I think i just read something about Nirvana and; stp in the same sentense, c´mon people keep the distances..........dont even close. Random fact: Do you know that the only thing in common before chester decided to join stp, between stp and LP was??????? Yea you´re right the letter "P",when they names are abbreviated. But now they got 2 things in common the letter P and the lead singer, wow what a big jump right there.
Not trying to start a flame war or anything, but what ever happened to LP fans sense of pride? I know a lot of other 'hardcore' fans of bands, even the STP fans, they take pride in their band and defend them when people are insulting them, etc. Of coarse a hardcore fan would be mad if someone replaced their lead singer, no matter what the circumstance. I find it funny that a lot of people are making Scott seem like the devil because he is a drug addict/alcoholic, when in fact, Chester was both of those things for most of his life so far. But that isn't the point. I'm just saying, I would be pissed if Mike or Chester ever got replaced by ANYONE and I would no longer listen to the band anymore. I will be honest here, I have been a die-hard LP fan ever since I was 11, and I joined the LPU during 3.0 and I have been closely following everything about the band since. I think Out Of Time is a good song, but I for some reason cannot get used to Chester joining STP. I just have a bad feeling. A lot of things are changing in the LP world and it makes me feel uncomfortable. I think I just take the band too much to heart than most people. When I say I am a die-hard fan, I mean it. LP is my life practically. They have influenced almost everything in my life and I love the band more than anything. And at the end of the day, a fan's hardcore fans are essentially a part of the band IMO. This is why you see fans saying ''Chester is now OUR lead singer'' and stuff like that. Chester is OUR lead singer as well and has been for pretty much the remainder of LP so far. I just think some LP fans should show some love and pride towards their band, the LPU is about the only place I see it anymore.
Do you remember when the news first came out that Chester joined STP, you had a "realization" in the LPL shoutbox that you were "not a Linkin Park fan, but a Chester Bennington fan"?
People can not like a band members decision all they like, it's their choice but when you're trying to argue against a reason why it shouldn't be so you have to try to not be completely irrational. As it is, not one person has given any rational discourse as to why it's bad that Chester joined STP other than a bias for or against STP. In the end, it doesn't matter if it's an established band or a new one, Chester made his choice, he is in the band, relevant news is going to be posted on LPA. People are free to do either of these actions. 1. Avoid/ignore headlines pertaining to Stone Temple Pilots. 2. Accept the fact, and don't get worked up about it. 3. Be happy for Chester and wish him well in his endeavors. 4. Rage and offer irrational arguments as to why it shouldn't be so. 5. Carry on as per usual. I guess what I'm trying to say is, live and let live. You have your right to disagree but getting in a hissy fit isn't going to change anything. Cheers.
Chester Bennington is one of the pillars of Linkin Park. Again people, Linkin park is a whole. There´s no LP without dave pharrell, etc. And there cant be the same LP with another person. And you got a very good example right now, that is not stp, it is the new stp. No one can Jesse, only chester. We can only give our opinions and points of view, but none of those could be completly rational. But only time will show the answer.
Yes.You are one of the most devoted fans I have seen.But you are literally overthinking over this news.Just enjoy the present and don't overthink about the future. The only effect it will have on Lp in the long run is that it will prolong the time between two studio albums.That isn't bad if that extra time leads to an increase in quality of the songs in the album.
Sorry that this is WAY off topic but I don't understand why people do this, every time I don't understand something or I want to know about something that effects people, I look it up, and I look for sources of information made by the people experiencing it to get real insight. Then someone I know says something that shows me that I'm pretty much the only one trying to learn about strange topics.
Well, this decision that Chester made to join Stone Temple Pilots obviously wasn't made strictly to "benefit" Linkin Park. And just because that's the case doesn't mean that it's a bad choice; it is not an anti-Linkin Park move like you're making it out to be.
I don't really understand what you mean.. I was basically saying a lot of LP fans are giving Scott disapproval because he is a drug addict/alcoholic who needs help. But Chester has been a drug addict for a large part of his life, and he also was a heavy alcoholic for a long period as well. I didn't want to get into the band's personal lives here too much, which is why I said a vague comment about it. Basically, I just don't see why people would hate on Scott for that when the lead singer of Linkin Park was almost the same thing, he just didn't let it affect his performances too much. If you meant that you never heard anything about Chester's life, you can google a crapload of stuff about it. I don't think personal stuff about the band member's are allowed on this site.
How can you compare Nirvana to STP??? It's apples to oranges. STP is not grunge! Maybe maaaaybe Core was grunge, but even that's a stretch.