Scott Weiland Issues Statement On New STP, STP Sue Weiland For Use of Stone Temple Pilots Name [UPDA

Discussion in 'News' started by Casual D, May 26, 2013.

  1. Casual D

    Casual D I WON'T BE YOUR CASUAL D. LPA Administrator

    Jul 13, 2002
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    I'm listening to Core right now. Just became twice as excited for the new STP.
  2. deftonesfan867

    deftonesfan867 976-EVIL

    Apr 5, 2010
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    LP and STP go it loaded and locked.

    Imagine if Mike did a guest appearance on a STP song :lol:
  3. Casual D

    Casual D I WON'T BE YOUR CASUAL D. LPA Administrator

    Jul 13, 2002
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    As Fort Minor.

    Then it'd be a side project within a side project. :leo:
  4. deftonesfan867

    deftonesfan867 976-EVIL

    Apr 5, 2010
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    Imagine how many people would be pissed.

    They should do it just for that reason alone.
  5. Hybrid

    Hybrid Has Gone Rogue. LPA Team

    Feb 4, 2011
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    Yes! I'm all for that!
  6. Dismantle

    Dismantle First person to create a 'Robot Boy' Remix

    Jul 13, 2010
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    This whole LPA being a Linkin Park & STP fan site now disappoints me. For something THAT big, why do the fans of Linkin Park have to be fed music from a band that frankly a lot of people don't like. I don't see the connection to Linkin park at all. Who cares if Chester is part of it, that's not Linkin Park news. Yes it's news for the LPA that he JOINED STP, but any music released by STP in the future, and just any news about STP in general should be posted on an STP fan page, not a Linkin Park fan page... It's obsured, and I appreciate that Derek and everyone hasn't had much time to think about what's best for the Linkin Park fans, they're just concerned about "how many fans of STP can we get on our website for more popularity and higher chances of donations". Come on, I hate to say that, but its true, it really doesn't make sense. Everyone says "then don't read the news" but why when I check for LP news daily from now on do I have to read through a bunch of STP crap - a band I have never and will never have any interest in -. I know it's hard for you to believe Derek (and other admins) but not everyone who appreciates good music has to "check out STPs catalogue" just because Chester has so far made 1 song with them...
  7. Dismantle

    Dismantle First person to create a 'Robot Boy' Remix

    Jul 13, 2010
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    One important thing. If this was the STP fan site, with the logic that everyone is using here at how "because Chester is part of Linkin Park, and he is now part of STP because any news involved with ANY member of LP is Linkin Park news" then that means that the STP fan site equivalent to this should post every thing about Linkin Park news, because STP has Chester as a member, and Chester is a member of Linkin Park, so Linkin Park news is STP news because any news about a member of STP is news for the website? You see? Do you see how rediculous it sounds to me and some other people now? It just seems so petty and you have to dig deep to make it relevant. Can we just not? This website is not an STP fan site, and if that's going to happen then I'm not sure what to think now. I just feel like Chester joining STP is a hit and miss thing that I can get over considering I won't have to follow the news and be part of that following, but with LPA heading the way it seems to be, I just feel sort of lost. I don't want any stupid insulting replies like the last few times because I'm just sharing my / other people's view on it all, and I really dont think you guys have thought too much about what you're doing. It maybe what's best for your guys website view count and stuff, but its really bad for a Linkin Park Fansite.
    Last edited: Jun 1, 2013
  8. Qwerty19

    Qwerty19 LPA Super Member LPA Super Member

    Nov 21, 2011
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    Because "STP Crap" is now something related to LP. That's simple.

    And nobody is forcing you to listen to their catalogue (altough I must admit, I find your view on that band very close-minded, but that's another story.)

    Edit: althoug, I can see what you means with STP fansite posting about LP news. Yes, that would be quite weird if you look at it this way. But even then, it's different. Chester is a new member for STP, he has never been in the band before, and I don't think STP fansites need to be overinformative about him. At least for now. On the other side, Chester has always been the lead singer of LP, and I think it's great we can get on LPA informations about the side-projects of the lead singer of our favorite band.

    Also, you should realize that it's not like STP news are going to be everywhere from now. Theorically, it's very unlikely that LP and STP are going to be very very active simultaneously. Chester can't tour with both bands at the same times. It's just not possible. Nah, what is more likely is that you'll get more STP news when LP will be less actives, so when you was not going to get any LP news at all to begin with. And in my opinion, STP news are better than no news at all. When LP will be touring/promoting a new record/..., you will probably not get tons of STP news, because it will mean that Chester will be active with LP. I don't see where's the big deal, frankly.
    Last edited: Jun 1, 2013
  9. The Emptiness Machine

    The Emptiness Machine Out of the abyss. LPA Über VIP

    Apr 27, 2007
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    What if STP covered an LP song with Mike as a special guest and LP covered a STP song with Dean DeLeo as a special guest? STPLPception. :awesome:
  10. Hybrid

    Hybrid Has Gone Rogue. LPA Team

    Feb 4, 2011
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    Jesus Christ. How many times does one need to be told to get over it? I've posted atleast 4 times on this thread about how this is still Linkin Park news. I even tried explaining it to you bit by bit of why we wouldn't exclude one side project. This is getting beyond ridiculous. If you don't like what we post here as news, you, and I mean you, Dismantle, among others, need to find another site to get your news from. You with your soapbox of anti-STP bullshit have now made it my personal mission to actively seek out any and all STP related news so I can post it to this site. I'm to the point where I want to post things just to piss you off.

    Also, congrats on the double post. There is an edit button that is a great addition to this forum.

    On a side note, I am extremely proud that the owner of this site is open to all news regarding every aspect of LP. If Derek was as closed minded as some of the users on this forum, I would have left a long time ago and would have never wanted to strive to be part of the leadership team on this forum. Thank you, Derek.
  11. The Emptiness Machine

    The Emptiness Machine Out of the abyss. LPA Über VIP

    Apr 27, 2007
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    Horrible spelling and grammar? [​IMG]
    Walls of text? [​IMG]
    Logical fallacies? [​IMG]
    Irrational view points? [​IMG]
    Double Posting? [​IMG]
    Tired arguments? [​IMG]
    Immaturity? [​IMG]
    Double Posting? [​IMG]
    Waste of LPA member's time? [​IMG][​IMG][​IMG]!

    Worthy post? [​IMG]

    High chance of me getting an infraction?
    Worth it?[​IMG][​IMG][​IMG]!
  12. minuteforce

    minuteforce Danny's not here, Mrs. Torrance. LPA Team

    Oct 31, 2004
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    @Dismantle: your double-posting and lack of paragraph breaks does nothing to help your case. Not to mention how you don't even seem to be even reading the posts written in response to your drivel and, instead, just opt to repeat yourself.

    There are people here who hate Dead By Sunrise and/or Fort Minor (hell, there are people here who don't like Linkin Park as well but I suppose that's not as relevant to what I'm saying) and those people have no trouble understanding why LPA covers news relating to those side-projects. They also have zero trouble understanding why Stone Temple Pilots, when there's a Linkin Park member in their lineup, would be covered here as well.
  13. Andreina

    Andreina Proud Venezuelan LP fan. LPA Contributor

    Dec 24, 2011
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    That guy needs to take a look around that thread where FM kicked Dead By Sunrise's ass on "popularity" in the LPA. DBS wasn't exactly the piece of cake to many members around and they certainly were NEVER vocal about the LPA covering their news. There are less people [in the LPA] who disliked Fort Minor but it was the same thing.

    Seriously dude, LPA will continue to post STP news for as long as Chester is their lead singer and, you can't do absolutely anything about it. You are wasting both your time and that of those who bother replying to your posts. Move on.
  14. Dismantle

    Dismantle First person to create a 'Robot Boy' Remix

    Jul 13, 2010
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    I hate this. Guys, I appreciate and understand what you're saying, and can see why I would be irritating you with my constant posts of my "same" opinion, but not only am I adding to what in saying each time, but I'm repeating what I've said because so many people literally obsess over one thing (of about 10) that I say. I literally get an essay worth of a reply quoting me saying "STP sucks" or "STP aren't popular" which is ridiculous because that wasn't the focus of what I was saying. And as for the grammar and double post thing, firstly think I think it's so childish and petty to reply to me in that and taunt me with an infraction when actually I've said some reasonable points, as well as some ignorant points too, but the whole spelling was because I was on my iPhone and it changed a lot of my words to something else similar, or I just back spaced and it fluffed up, same reason for the double post, I didn't know how to edit on this mobile version. Anyway, I'm just saying I've done nothing to criticise or bully you guys, I've said how I feel about LPA turning into a Linkin Park & Stone Temple Pilots Fanpage. So everyone stop thriving over my opinion, hoping that I get an infraction because its moronic, just let me have my opinion and if somebody just obsesses over one tiny thing I say that happens to be the ignorant point make, then that's your problem. Stop making it personal guys. End of. (Thought I'd also mention I'm dyslexic so anyone critiquing me on my spelling and stuff, I hope you feel really bad lol)
    Last edited: Jun 1, 2013
  15. minuteforce

    minuteforce Danny's not here, Mrs. Torrance. LPA Team

    Oct 31, 2004
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    The only reason Stone Temple Pilots is being mentioned at all is because Chester, a member of Linkin Park, is now in the line-up.

    This isn't a Stone Temple Pilots fansite; it isn't covering Stone Temple Pilots because we're all hardxcore Stone Temple Pilots fans or because of any of our opinions on their music. LPA is a Linkin Park fansite and it will cover this news because the news is Linkin Park-related. It doesn't matter if you whine about how STP's music isn't to your taste, because LPA keeping tabs on Stone Temple Pilots (while Chester is a member of the band) isn't a matter of taste at all; it's a matter of keeping fans up to date with what's happening. The site has a reputation for being very good at that and it won't compromise on it just for you.

    Again, some people aren't much for the music from various other side-projects that Linkin Park or members therein have been involved in but they know that it still makes sense for LPA to keep up with those kinds of things.
  16. laura

    laura Well-Known Member

    Apr 5, 2012
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    Ugh I can not stand m'm tired of hearing that LPA can not write things about chester and stp is just their job if they have news that the taste is posting just knock it off
  17. Dismantle

    Dismantle First person to create a 'Robot Boy' Remix

    Jul 13, 2010
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    I totally understand that, and I agree and everything. But Derek said and I quote "The LPA can be the new home for STP Fans" which just makes it sound like this website from now until the distant future will be a 50/50 split. I agree STP news should be posted here despite if that contradicts what I've said, but my main concern is this turning into a split fanpage. I mean, it's not the "biggest" Linkin Park news is it? So I don't see the point in the STP news being posted on the main page. My suggestion is that maybe you have a separate STP forum on this website where you guys post STP news. And unless it actually mentions or relates (More than just "Chester Bennington") to Linkin Park, it would make sense to not post it on the main site, that's all I'm trying to get at. I'm not even butt hurt or anything about it, I'm not going to lose sleep over it lol, but the news that an 80's band will be flooded over Linkin Parks fan page just disappoints me that's all. A few things before you reply, I understand where you guys are coming from, and No, I'm not going to find "another Linkin park news" site. It's all fine, but it does change the concept of this site a bit.

    As far as the "Dead By Sunrise" and "Fort Minor" news being posted here, the reason that's different is because we all have the same opportunity to grow and age and experience it all at the same time and it's exciting. But STP is like 30 years old, where alot of the LP fans here don't like the idea of everyone telling us to "listen to the cataloque" because even if we did (which I don't) like the songs, that wouldn't mean anything, we haven't gone through what other STP fans have been through and it's just not exciting for us. It's like when I listen to other bands like Bastille, or Imagine Dragons. They have AMAZING songs (In my opinion), but I don't relate to them or feel the need or want to follow everything they do. Do you understand what I'm getting at? I don't want to like a band, just because people are telling me to.
    Last edited: Jun 1, 2013
  18. Qwerty19

    Qwerty19 LPA Super Member LPA Super Member

    Nov 21, 2011
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    I would just like to know where you have ever saw that a lot of LP fans are annoyed by STP or anything. Honestly, you're one of the only persons (yes, there's also the Wolflink case) that I have seen complaining that much. Some people have admitted that STP isn't their cup of tea, but they can nevertheless understand why we will get news about them. And most are happy or at least curious about the fact we will get more material with Chester
    Last edited: Jun 1, 2013
  19. The Emptiness Machine

    The Emptiness Machine Out of the abyss. LPA Über VIP

    Apr 27, 2007
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    Comprehension is not your forte, I am beginning to assume. No one taunted you with getting an infraction. I suspected that I myself would get one for that immature reply I had posted. People have tried getting through to you but you've neglected to aspire to achieving any progression, and my admittedly childish post was unwarranted but really, when there is no help for one, what can one really do?

    No one outspokenly hoped for you to get an infraction as far as I'm aware. Cheers.
    Last edited: Jun 1, 2013
  20. minuteforce

    minuteforce Danny's not here, Mrs. Torrance. LPA Team

    Oct 31, 2004
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    If they were given out, infractions would go to people who shamelessly bashed Stone Temple Pilots' music and said disrespectful things of those who like it.

    Firstly, if Chester being a member of the band becomes a long-term thing, maybe there will be a sub-forum specifically for STP discussions. This is no different than the Fort Minor hype was in mid-2005; if you didn't want to hear about Shinoda collaborating with various established artists for "The Rising Tied" during that time, then, you had it tough! Because, back in mid-2005, 99% percent of the news posts here were in relation to Fort Minor. And there was a sub-forum dedicated to it.

    Second, fans of any band are welcome here, but LPA will only post news about another band if it has something to do with LP and, in this case, obviously, it does. Stone Temple Pilots fans who frequented Below Empty have to go somewhere while Chester is a member of Stone Temple Pilots and there's nothing wrong with some of them being members on LPA so long as they abide by the rules. Unlike you, they'll probably be well aware that this isn't an STP fansite; LPA is catering to people interested in what the members of Linkin Park are doing and only those people.

    Thirdly, yes, Stone Temple Pilots are an established act and have a lengthy history, but, now, they're re-establishing themselves as a band with Chester on lead vocals. The music will obviously sound quite different so you have the opportunity to experience this new STP music which Chester is heavily involved in; if you're a fan of Chester's work, that is what you'd really be following this news for.

    As for the older stuff, people can still be excited about music that's been around for a while and there's nothing wrong with that. Some people here are unfamiliar with STP's past work so they're checking it out; you can be part of a group that's "experiencing" the old STP music for the first time now if you want to. Just because the idea isn't exciting to you doesn't make it true for everyone.

    Chester making Dead By Sunrise music and Chester working with Stone Temple Pilots are seriously not very different from the perspective of any Linkin Park fan who doesn't listen to Stone Temple Pilots, as you clearly seem to be. There's no doubt that what Chester makes with STP will be similar to his DBS music in many ways.

    And, finally, at the end of the day, you don't have to be a fan of STP! You don't have to "follow everything they do" and no-one's really telling you what you should or shouldn't like but just to be respectful. The fact is that the LPA has an obligation to report news about this. None of your personal feelings, or anyone's personal feelings, about anything, get factored in at all.

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