I'm pretty sure that people are annoyed because certain people on here take every chance they get to whine about the new sound. Don't get me wrong, I think it's fine to voice your opinion, be it positive or negative (I'm certainly not positive all the time), but you don't have to repeat yourself over and over again and you don't have to drag your negativity into every new thread. Especially into a thread like this. I mean, come on, Chester is talking about having suicidal thoughts here and all certain people can focus on is a Katy Perry reference??
I do not understand why everyone's complaining so much about the part he's talking about Katy Perry ... (Chained To The Rhythm is a great music with a good message, IMO). Metallica, which is heavier than Linkin Park, just performed with Lady Gaga (and it was fucking good). It's time to stop complaining about ''pop'' or ''rock'' or ''numetal'' stuff. I thought after Minutes to Midnight and A Thousand Suns the fans were going to be more open but "The Hunting Party" made everybody go crazy again. Going back to the interview, I find it interesting to compare Chester's interview with Dave's twetts. It seems that this album will be 100% sentimental and focused on the daily / life experiences of the band members. It's a personal album and I respect it artistically, they're no longer in the singing vibe '' shut up when I talk to you '' and I believe it's cool to see this change in lyrics. Looking forward to the album, even though I did not like 100% of the two songs that came out. (Even so I loved what I heard from OML and Talking to Myself ). (As always, sorry for bad english.)
Just to see them talking so much about how personal this album feels is enough for me to like it even with only two songs until now. I could say I'm gonna enjoy it way more than THP, but I don't like THP anyways I respect Chester a lot, he went through so many shit and was able to survive and talk openly about that. I hope he'll keep fighting over all the bad things when he needs to and also hope he will finally have some peace on his personal life.
Disagreed. Especially after saying Chester seems like a real person, you imply Mike doesn't. @hybrid1988 : Nobody Can Save Me, One More Light and Sharp Edges Speaking of Heavy, and personal matters, check out this rendition of the song. It was performed at 102.1 The Edge, a rock station in Toronto. It's all Chester and it's got a slowed down, piano-only, emotional feel to it. It's really good.
It's a poor excuse to bring conflict to a thread where there should be none. And I would understand the music aaspect, except the majority of the interview revolves about Chester opening up about his dark past and how he's moved on from it. I'd say that's some pretty heavy stuff (no pun intended). So when you-know-who starts whining about the music again when the interview is barely about that, yes, people will understandably point out that they're being a little disrespectful and posting snide comments when they shouldn't have. You can have whatever opinion you want, be it positive or negative. Just don't be a prick about it like these two were being.
That was beautiful. Almost teared up at work. This song really is a masterpiece – I'm liking it more for each day that passes (and I liked it to begin with as well). Best track since MTM.
I got your point, as I said I'm not familiar with whatever conflict is going on here. As I said, it's just that some people, including me, are not interested in the personal life of the band members and tend to skip that part so I thought it was an overreaction to basically say someone is a jerk for not talking about that part. Ok, so maybe I shouldn't be saying this, sorry if I'm offending people, but I just don't think that it makes someone a bad person if he doesn't feel it's necessary to be part of thousands of people who share compassion for a rock star who used to have issues very long ago when other people still have those problems and nobody cares for them. Don't get me wrong, I'm not judging people for doing so, I just don't think it's right to expect that from everyone, even in a fan forum. Btw, I do agree though, that there is too much hostility in this thread and if there's a conflict, it shouldn't be brought here. I'm not blaming either side for that, it's just generally bad that it turned out this way.
You know what? THis way the song is perfect. If they released this version as the album version I'd loved it. But no that had to put it through the grinder first.
This is why I've given Heavy so much shit. Remove all the cliched pop-instrumental bells and whistles like snaps and stale synth beats and it becomes a beautiful song that focuses on the vocals and the lyrics like what the band has projected for months now. And on topic, Chester always gives the best interviews of all the band members. Even if he sometimes overhypes the final product.
Nobody is saying you have to make some kind of compassionate comment on here. We are just saying know when to give criticism and know when to give it a rest. And btw, who says his issues are from a very long time ago? He clearly states he pretty much had a meltdown of sorts in 2015 and judging from other recent interviews he still struggles with life now and again.
I'm torn between Good Goodbye and Sorry for Now. Good Goodbye because I'm super interested in the Stormzy and Pusha T features, and Sorry for Now because I think/hope Blackbear will be featured on it.
Can't help but agree with all three of you here. I can say Heavy is a good/decent song, can say it isn't bad, but I can't (unless I'm lying to myself) pretend I don't like this version better. No knock on Kiiara, who did her job well, but it seems to have a bigger impact with Chester only, and stripped down like this. Something this slowed down probably couldn't have been a lead single, but oh well; make something else the lead single in that case. Like Battle Symphony, or a handful of others that could fit the mold.