All apologies Ander. Frances the Mute is indeed coming out on March 1st. It says so on The Widow E-Card. Sorry to Ander & LJ.
A Finnish magazine posted yesterday, that Coldplay's new album will be released 2nd of March. I don't know if that's the day for the Finnish release though. Can't wait for the album!
I haven't got a release date but the Inme album that was supposed to be out last September <_< wont be out untill sometime this year.
Add in The Mars Volta "The Mars Volta" single. It's a song that's not on the Frances The Mute CD, so I think it should be on the list as a CD as well. It'll be released as Vinyl and CD, too. So, yeah. March 1st for this one track single, too. EDIT: Frances The Mute should be March 1st too. I already apologized for this once, damnit. :whistle: EDIT2: Straight from the horses mouth. Sorta. I got that from another message board where the head admin is the web designer for The Mars Volta Official Site.
For the few that may care, Offspring is scheduled for TWO releases in 2005. A "Best Of" and an entirely new album. Just thought I'd throw that in
Someone has probably said this every year but <s>Axl Rose's</s> Guns n' roses 'Chinese democracys' is said to be out spring this year.
i looked over the list and there isnt much rap/hiphop.. but i dont see the detox from dr dre on there.. i heard it was comin out this year but i also heard the album was put on hold/scrapped.. but id add dr dre - the detox..