Ehh, there's really nothing new on the new site, links to the inferno game (which was on, (which we already figured out), and...also to a 30sec promo vid for I&I. that's all for silver key, no news about :[ 19 days!!!
new info Something tells me that yesterday's post wasn't the last before the release of the new album. They might wait till the day of the release to do the rest, but that's pure speculation.
I just thought of this. If this is the case though, we still have to wait to get the silver key. It could be that each of the letters that change into links on are the letters for the silver key (or at least 5 of them so far).
yeah, thats a really good idea, or maybe the numbers not turned into letters correspond to a letter in the alphabet and that could be it also
Well, Red has a new video up here: Doesn't look like it's part of this ARG. The only thing about it is that it says "dante_466" at the end, which refers to Dante's myspace.
... if you guys haven't figured it out already, 466623623-263-46784628 is INNOCENCE AND INSTINCT. each letter represents about 3 letters of the alphabet the same ones you use for texting on your phone 2-abc, 3-def etc
carbonr i think we got that figured out... anyways dont know if this is useful but starting at 9 o'clock on the pictures IX of IX put together the lines form an S and going clockwise the next pic is a cross or a T then the letter A, next is Red's emblem withe the R centered and not cut off. finally at 3 o'clock is a white paint mark S. put them together and get STARS. was this intentional?
well look at that.... didn't see that.... i was kinda wondering why things were all random and weird looking like that.... but what's with RED's obsession with STARS? i know that the end of the books of the comedy all end with stars, but is it that important?
This is the same video that is on I think someone previously suggested that it is just basically an advertisement for Innocence and Instinct and I agree with you and don't think it's part of the ARG.
Ah, I see it now. I didn't find the links off that site before. For those of you who are still looking, click on the triangle-like things around the I&I symbol.
I just listened to the entire album. It is SICK!!! Words do not describe the awesomeness of red. Mystery of you is one of my new favorite songs. Can't wait 'till the deluxe edition comes in the mail!!!
The CD is great. Slightly better than the first album and I was pleasantly surprised to hear a Duran Duran cover.
A new site has linked off of I can't figure out yet if iit's just for fun or if any type of clue is on it. I'll keep looking.
Excellent CD. Really like it. Didn't think they could top their first album, but they might just have done it.