Alright, RED's new Facebook profile picture: The caption is: 615-400-3463 — with Noe Villalba. Any clues? Maybe we must talk to the tagged person 'Noe Villalba'??? P.S. 6 HOURS LEFT FOR THE COUNTDOWN!!!
website's up and running!! nothing new on there for now - links to the broadcasts, FTM vid, etc (also, to I&I ARG-ers -- how cute is the "Dante's pizzeria" sign on the wall?)
Hi Guys, Just want to join fixing this Puzzle RED is giving us. I was trying to find a sollution for the cross word puzzle. And I'm probably not the first one who saw that some words are changing to numbers Does anyone have an idear what that could be?
He guys check it out. The Numbers from the peanut butter came from the episode "The Numbers" here is a link I found:
tumblr: also, there are a bunch of links that haven't yet been updated. in the urls are things like 'week nine blog post here' (week nine is the last one and since there are 11-ish weeks left until 2/5/13 the site must have to be up and running soon) or 'pre orders are stupid'/'why are we still entering tour dates' (ha, can definitely picture Randy writing that), but also 'magna vestibulum inceptos consectetur tortor' and several other latin phrases. if you search the latin it leads you to a (bad) link (which just redirects to accediacorp). in the google description for agency51 it does say "Follow Aequs on twitter" - is some rando, but apparently there was at one point a twitter called aequscorp , although it's been removed. I don't think that agency51/aequs corps are relevant - they're probably only precursors to when they actually decided to call it accediacorp. but, whatever, maybe some of you will find that interesting?
I got a kick out of the Dante's Pizzaria reference. I hope this turns out a reward similar to the I&I one with a demo, commentary, and multitracks.
Hey all, I also just joined the forum to contribute to this thread. I just checked the source code for the front page of, and the "/insidetheroom" link now takes you to the source code for that page. I noticed the decoded numbers and letters at the top of the page spell ROOM, per the coordinates given by the cipher (doesn't tell us anything, but it's cool to figure this stuff out). If you click on the \!/ logo next to the newspaper, it brings up a highlighted article that says "Accedia Corp. to launch life enhancement initiatives, say Officials," so maybe we'll get something about this on the accediacorp website soon? Also, the link below the "Knowledge without mileage is bull_(covered by duct tape)" shows an image with blurred out faces that looks like it's from the FTM video shoot. Definitely digging the tribute vibe to previous albums and ARG trivia!
I called the number and got the voice mail of Joseph Anthony Baker and Craft Studio. It seems to be a legitimate photography studio and not part of the game. It features Taylor Swift, Kesha, RED, etc... I'm still going to do a little more research, but I'm thinking it's safe to say it's not what we're looking for. I haven't done anything with the tag on their profile picture yet.
I bet these are some lyrics from the new album: "I will never let you go." I'm immune to you you are immune to me" (taken from the background of /insidetheroom)
So I looked in the source code for I found some images that may connect to the story about Accedia making those wellness supplements or something. It may even involve LSD.
Hmmmm I clicked the top left Exclamation mark and it took me to Feed the Machine music video... There must be some relation?? EDIT: Also the new cipher featured on the website name when you go to /insidetheroom is: 13E-05U-02R-19H Spells out ROQM Any ideas at all...??
Check it again, you probably counted the first row as "001" when it is actually "000," at least that's what it looks like for your third letter. EDIT: Also, about the relation between "Feed the Machine" and "Release the Panic." I think the former is sort of like back story for whoever is hiding in the room, waiting for 002-005-013.
I totally agree with Feed the Machine being back story. There's the music video, plus some the pictures on the wall are shots from the video. And the pictures in the file folder from Broadcast 002 are shots from the music video as well. And the newspaper clippings on the right side of the room also look like references to the video. "Local Factory Clos(ing)..." "Mysterious Explosion Destro(ys)..." I wonder if Accedia Corp was the factory. Man... Twon sure loves to tease! EDIT: new stuff in the room -- click on the floppy disk stack next to the radio.
you can see a better picture of the ID badge on I tried to go to but it is encrypted with a login and password. So far with the back story, I've gathered that after the factory exploded (end of Feed the Machine), Accedia Corp somehow got in contact with Anthony (or subject 2513211, who isn't dead as we were led to believe at the end of the Feed the Machine video) and offered him a job testing some sort of chemical drug under the project title "Aequs Initiative." I could be wrong about this, but the consistencies between the "subject's" hair color and the release of the last album (2/13/2010) being before the date of the Accedia addendum (3/5/2010) lead me to these conclusions.
So many people joining the site for this thread. But nah, I like RED. There first album is still their best though
Where can I find the urls that you talked about? Can you help me out? Also, you mentioned some latin phrases... Accedia sounds like it may be from the latin word "acedia" which means sloth or apathy. And is also one of the seven deadly sins, or at least a precursor to it. And the word Aequs is like the latin word "aequus" which means level, equal or even.