Many people are disappointed by this album, my ranking goes (UWHF=RTP)>I&I>EOS This album is amazing, and I don't see how people are disappointed with it. I still hear the same awesome RED I have always heard. Mike's voice still sounds the same, he's just using it differently, same with the instruments. I'm going to give a short review over all songs, I don't know why, I just have the sudden compulsion to do so. 1. Release the Panic 6.5/10 I normally don't like songs completely screamy like this unless I'm at a concert, but this being the first song, getting everyone listening to the album fired up, I love the use of it. Plus, would you want a slow song about panic? Much less Releasing Panic? 2. Perfect Life 7.8/10 I love this song, to me, it defines much of this album, they picked a good song for the single. 3. Die for You 8/10 I think this song is great, it grew on me a ton, it is criticized for sounding too poppy, but I disagree. 4. Damage 6.8 This song will be AWESOME live, but not as much on the album, although I still think it's awesome. It's screamy because it's full of anger. Once again, would want a slow song about destruction and anger? Oh,and I love the guitar riff in this one. 5.Same Disease 7/10 This song grew on me a lot too, it starts to get really catchy 6.Hold Me Now 9/10 Amazing song, and it has a great message, definitely the best of the lyric videos RED released early. (Release the Panic, Perfect life, and Hold Me Now) 7.If We Only 10/10 Incredible song! It's heavy, but it isn't screamy the whole song, it had just enough so that the combination is completely awesome. This song should be pretty awesome live. 8.So Far Away 8.6/10 Great song, heavy guitar, with fairly slow voice, it's a great combination. 9.Glass House 9/10 Love it. The lyrics are amazing, and it is a straight out, great song. It's amazing how RED uses a metaphor for the whole song, but still have the lyrics sink into fan's hearts. 10. The Moment We Come Alive 6.9/10 It's not my favorite song on this album, but it's still great, this one is much like So Far Away, but a little more uplifting. DELUXE SONGS 11. Love Will Leave A Mark 10/10 Amazing song, it's heavy without screaming, it has a haunting sound to it that I absolutely love with RED. 12. As You Go 10/10 I'm surprised I'm saying this, but this song grew from one of my least favorites on the album, to one of my favorites of RED. It, along with If We Only and Love Will Leave a Mark are some of my favorite songs, and this one is one of their best ballads ever to me. It's a beautiful song and has a great message. 13 and 14. Death of Me and Hymn for the Missing Guillotine remix's 4.2/10 These remix's are okay, but I'm not the biggest dubstep fan. They're OK, but I didn't see the need of these. 15."Breathe Into Me (Remix Acústica)" 6.4/10 Not as good as the original of course, but still cool. There was actually one part I did like better, and that was 2:31 to 2:52 So yeah, great album, complainers don't know what they're talking about. EDIT: I decided to change it from ?/5 to ?/10 so I could be more precise. Also, I added a few things to the reviews to explain my rating better.
So I thought I'd mention this: Randy is answering fan questions on Facebook, and when asked if we missed anything such as a secret song, he replied, "keep searching". So it's not over yet....
Maybe search as much as you can in both deluxe edition and regular edition case, CD itself, and booklet. Everyone seen this? Accedia Corp's youtube channel... Maybe we can find something there?
This was actually found quite a while ago... Though I forgot about it, maybe we could search for a code or more hidden links as this one. (on red's official website)
Wow, that is more discombobulating than my college marketing textbook. And that's saying something. Was anyone able to make sense of that? It looked to me like they were were repeating the same few basic thoughts over and over, but with different words thrown in and scrambled around to make it completely confusing. I recognized several marketing/economic terms, I'm not sure if that's significant... does anyone know what all the abbreviations and jargon stand for?
Isn't it the same link that was put up just a few days ago? The one where the text was all in latin? If so, it's changed now.
There is probably something hidden inside it that we need to see. Maybe try combinations of the numbers they used for machine names or whatever it is they're talking about, I'm too lazy. XD
I'm really not sure what they're talking about, it's mostly gibberish, and yet I think it's mostly composed of real words. I think most of the things that seem like nonsense are actually just jargon. For instance, B2B, B2B2C, and B2C2B are repeated throughout the passage. I happen to know that these are marketing terms, but they wouldn't have made any sense to me if I wasn't taking a marketing course right now. There might be made-up words in the passage, which could be useful, but the trouble is finding them. I'm honestly not sure what to do with all this confusing and slightly repetitive information, although I must say it was very entertaining.
Like a said, the number and letter combinations repeated through the passage, try combinations of those or maybe just one to find a new link.
Yeah, it's the same address but it's now a bunch of internet/marketing terms... If you just look up any part of it though, you get results for "corporate gibberish generator" so I'm not actually convinced there's any real clues here... I guess we just need to keep looking. Also, not that this has much to do with anything, but anyone notice how on the titles of stuff kinda flash their cyphered value for a second when you first load the page? lol Edit: I figured I might as well look up Accedia Corp on Facebook, and they have a page, but there's not much going on there, just links to their youtube videos, and they just joined February fourth... And the page admin is one Jordan Hester, so I don't think this is actually by RED... I'm gonna send him a message seeing if he's by any chance gotten anywhere with this supposed ARG. Edit: Accedia tweeted "We've always been proud of CHEEZ-IES™, but recently their popularity seems to be at a code RED level! Don't you wish you had some right now?" I'm thinking it might have something to do with Cheez-ies looking at what the letters from Dr. Virgil Fox say about them.