I'm not so sure we're supposed to be able to log in... When you go to http://www.releasethepanic.com/display/RecoverPassword it says "You will need to provide both your login name, and confirm the email address you used when you registered with the Squarespace system." (Squarespace is for building websites.)
I believe the reason 'If We Only' is receiving so much attention is because it's the song that sounds the closest to the RED of UWHF. Similar to 'Lie To Me' or even 'Faceless'.
Dang. i was hoping the live event would reveal something, did anyone who watched it catch anything? I think you can watch it anytime now on the site they provided.
Perfect Life was flawless acoustic. Hold Me Now was solid and Breathe Into Me was as well. Happy they didn't play a lot new so my first listen will all be new for me.
My iTunes version has downloaded and my first listen is coming up. My thoughts and a review to come over the next couple of days. I'll stay aware of any developments with Accedia too.
Same!! Glad iTunes didn't glitch like it did for UWHF (didn't let me download it until several days later...not great) gonna start listening at midnight. super excited. hopefully we'll get some reveals about accedia then, too...
So I searched up "Virgil Fox Accedia Science Division" And the first link brought up several pages of a summary of Dante's inferno where Virgil is one of the characters, and Accedia is one of the other names of the stages of hell (Sloth). With this in mind, for one, did anyone find anything else from the new documents on the Accedia website? and with this search I did, and due to how the last ARG was on the Dante's Inferno theme, do you think there is any connection of the next clue from the previous ARG? Maybe even the login password and username?
I doubt the whole login thing. From what I can tell, it's just a Squarespace login that was used to build the website, not a hidden clue.
Anybody else think there's still more to this thing? The Accedia Twitter account is still tweeting after the information leak. Looks like they're not "down" yet
That's what I was hoping, too, since there's a Dante's Pizzeria card on the wall in the room, but all the I&I sites are still down. There's more links in the room, now... Nothing helpful... Accediacorp.com is, well, compromised at least lol
So what's everybody think of the album? I like it much better than UWHF. I&I is still my fave, but not by much over RTP.
I prefer this much over UWHF. Seems more lively. I do miss the strings but overall very enjoyable. My order: I&I>EoS>RTP>UWHF
Anybody that bought the deluxe on iTunes, who really likes the quality of the booklet? I really haven't been impressed with a lot of album booklets in the past, but this layout and design is excellent!