Wow, I started this thread a month ago, and kind of forgot about it. Glad to see so many new replies. And I'm super pumped to hear that there's a new song on the album! That's gonna be great. It is a shame, however, that they're working with Howard Benson. I think he twisted them into something they didn't used to be. To me, RTP sounds like it's missing a lot of the meaning and emotion of the other three albums. Hopefully this recalibrated release will change that, at least musically. Say's here it's been confirmed that both Benson and Graves are helping out. Hope it's true, they don't give sources... Edit: Check this out! Apparently Run and Escape is supposed to be super heavy, and RED is working on their fifth album with Rob Graves... Though it's kind of hard to really hear what's being said... !!!
suchhh great news! I made out from that vid that recalibrated will have "new verses and acoustic versions"... also someone asked on FB whether RED would be doing any acoustic albums, and Randy replied 'that's what recalibrated is'. so idk whether it's all going to be acoustic, or only some of it. I feel like they're probably going to re-record the title track and Damage with strings and stuff (because how would they even do acoustic versions of those), and the rest will be acoustic...we'll see we'll see either way, if Rob is involved at all it's gonna be amazing EDIT - speaking of acoustic tracks, did anyone manage to download the studio acoustic verson of Let Go that Rob streamed on his website a while ago? It was part of a 'reward' for a mini-mini-ARG (basically a direct throwback to all the Dante/I&I ARG stuff) that went on for a week or two in 2011. it sounded amazing but it wasn't up for download and has long been taken off of his site and has apparently never been released anywhere else....(I think there was also an acoustic version of Already Over but I don't care about that one as much because it sounded very similar to Already Over pt. 2, unsurprisingly) anyone here know what i'm talking about?
I think you're right about Damage and Release the Panic. I look forward to hearing them in their more classic sound.
On one hand, there's a big chance these new versions will sound better. On the other hand, I can't help thinking that this is a bad move. It's the band basically giving in to pressure of the fans that bashed the last album for being different. It's like LP had released "A Thousand Suns - Now With Moar Guitarz Edition". Red already have three very similar sounding albums, both in production and songwriting. I loved Release The Panic for feeling different, this is them saying "fuck it, you want more of the same? We'll give you more of the same."
I don't know... I can't help feeling that RTP's sound was Howard Benson's fault. The three first albums did have a similar sound, but it was a sound that really worked. RTP turned their music into more mainstream rock, which stripped away a lot of its originality. I think that the Recalibrated edition is going to fix this somewhat.
Personally, I have nothing against Release The Panic. It's different of course, and I did have a little bit of trouble getting used to it because it wasn't what I expected from Red, but that didn't mean it was bad. Still, it'll be really nice to hear some of the songs with a bit more of the old style mixed in. I like variety in music, but I also really liked Red's old style and I want to hear more of it. In any case, I'm really excited for recalibrated, if only because I'll have more Red songs to listen to!
Uuuuuum, guys...? They are working on RTPR with Benson. (<--Note that period.) Red is working on their FIFTH ALBUM. WITH. GRAVES. RTPR=/=fifth album. See? At least that's what I got from it...
I loved End of Silence and Innocence and Instinct... but I didn't like the other two albums... Maybe this will sound kinda cool. I dunno.
Hey everyone, I just wanted to reiterate that the release date for the album is April 29, according to this website: I know that this link was posted on the first page. I just decided to repost it to remind or inform anyone who was interested.
bump UPDATE: Want to hear Red's new release, Run and Escape? They played it live, and I'm excited to present to you the very first video of this song online! [video=youtube;-0q6K6Fh_jo][/video] Enjoy!
Ah, I knew there would be one of these pretty soon, so glad it's finally here. Thank's man! Even with the poor quality... it sounds... so good...
Here's a teaser for the album from RED's youtube channel: [video=youtube;DbjftdXhTc4][/video] Enjoy!
You guys probably know this already, but RED's releasing previews on their Facebook page, and you can hear Run And Escape in it's entirety on Youtube.