Avatar: 8/10 It's nicely organised, I give you that. Signature: 8/10 It matches the avatar completely, is just the right size for the picture, and on the whole looks freaking cool.
8/10 (for your sig, of course). I love it..it's random and bright, yet simple. It's a little big, but that's ok.
nice 9/10 for both. I like the grayscaleness of it. Maybe you could try something different for your avatar...dunno, just what I think.
Avatar: 8/10- I Love the picture, it's nicely done, and a cool twist between computer art and painting (maybe I sound confused...er?) Sig: 7.5/10- Cool art, but in can be done better.
7.5/10 for your sig. It looks cool but I don't really like that girl sitting there. It looks pasted on a bit ... but everything else looks awesome. Nicely put together!
Thanks, that girl looks good but it's just how she's put on that picture... never mind, your sig looks great.
heh, I rubbed out a part and then drew her on top of it and clumisly colored her again. Did you watercolor the blue and grey in? Back OT, did anyone happen to catch my John Cusack sig?
I'm rating the text in the sig, not the image, because I can't comment on my work, and because I've been wanting to comment on the text. "strangelo0m..." Well, even though I don't fully get it, it's wierd. And orignal (I think). 9/ 10. "Yeah..." Badass. 9.78/10.
It looks quite nice...simple, colourised to the redish sorta shade...which I like (minimal with one or two colours are my favourite) and the quote looks really good in there. I'll say 8.5/10 If you could get a similar Avatar it would finish the look off.
Thank you! Yeah, I'll make an ava as soon as I get the time... Sig and ava deserve 9/10. Beautiful, simple, Blaack and whiite and elegante! :applause:
I Have no idea what it is, but it's damned cool. 9/10 for your sig, but only a 5/10 for for AV becuase it's the same thing, just smaller.
Hmm I love the effect, so 8.5//10 ::signature 6.78//10 for Avatar. @Meghna- Strangelo0m was my previous user name =p