Av: 7/10 I like Family Guy. Funny . Sig: 8/10 Nice Picture. I like the effect of the image. I also like the color of it. Good work.
Avatar: Great effect, very smoothe and the text almost looks transparent especially on the forum, having the white forum. 8/10 Signature: The dirty/ragged edges look a little incomplete, but still doesn't take away from the color of the overall power of the signature. 8/10
avatar-it's something really simple but i'm a stewie fan B) so... i give it a 10/10 signature- It looks really nice, the lines give it a good effect as well. Very good job 8/10
av: im not entirely sure what it is, but it looks good anyway. i like the colors 9/10 sig: i really like the typewritter style font. and that pumpkin is awesome. 8/10.
hmm, the avatar and signature fit each other, i like the font in your signature but I'm kinda aff anime, so I give you a 7 for both and....good luck with my avatar and signature
Avatar: 7/10 , Good, it fits with your signature Sign: 9/10 : It isn't special but it's VERY original
Signature: Pretty good, not a big fan of Slipknot but I enjoy the signature, suits their theme. 8/10 side note: Savage Garden, Slipknot? Different strokes for different folks.
av-N/A Sig: Even though I don't know what burning tree projekt is, (prob a band), I'm going to give it a 8 , I really like the silhouette effect.
Thanks Sig - I love the black and white concept, always do. And that's a fucking excellent quote...Who sows hate shall harvest pain..makes whole load of sense. 8 Av- same
Now that I look at your sig again, I've noticed how cool it is. lol So I'm going to re-rate it an 8.5
Sig: Really cool but you need to move the boarder so its around the edges of the image since you can see their heads coming out of the top of it - 9/10 AV: it doesn't really match your sig, but it's still pretty good - 5/10