Not sure what to think of that chorus, but really liking the instrumentation! Sounds quite different from "Limbs" - 7,5/10 [video=youtube;g-n4U2KZZVs][/video]
Very cool, though not totally sold on the vocals. 7.5/10 [video=youtube;xfwu1fvPEJ0][/video]
Not bad, enjoyed the vibe. Solid guitar work too [video=youtube;u8t8g8lU4ms][/video]
Still need to check out that new Cattle Decapitation! Good song! 8/10 [video=youtube;jSVqclCr4fI][/video]
4/10 [video=youtube;fuubqoEb4jE][/video] The best track i've heard this year.
7/10 Not bad. [video=youtube;ucTg6rZJCu4][/video] SHIT IS MINE IT'S ALL MINE ALL THE TIME SHIT IT MINE
7/10 good one but there are much better songs from SOAD [video=youtube;Fk_lNykpHBo][/video]
I like what I've heard from the X Ambassadors so far, especially "Renegades". 8/10 And here is my new favorite from Blurryface, undisputedly my Album of the Year. [video=youtube;yqem6k_3pZ8][/video]
I like it! Really chill and really good. 8.5/10 Now, to sophomore year of high school I go! [video=youtube;oA3pESvUl3I][/video]
This is definitely not my sort of thing 5/10 Continuing the liquid dubstep
Pretty flippin' sweet. 8/10 [video=youtube;tqbu4mWxQfE][/video]