5/10 I really like those guitars, but man... those vocals... [video]https://youtu.be/qbWgw4Tmh4k[/video]
never been that into tame impala, but good shit 7/10 [video=youtube;yFz2J6S0J0c]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yFz2J6S0J0c[/video] (also yo @ b-rad, quit listening to front porch step, he's a pedophile...)
6/10 it's good but just not something I'm into! [video=youtube_share;PwtAhJhzD6E]http://youtu.be/PwtAhJhzD6E[/video] When I listen to this song I envision someone at the end of a long journey reflecting upon all the trials and tribulations that they've experienced.
8/10 very pretty! [video=youtube;R5ahUfBzXMM]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R5ahUfBzXMM&index=2&list=FLNVfhvz4absHmyCIz78uAiw[/video]
ye... for sure his music fuckin sucks but i can't deny that drown isn't a bad song either way yup he's a pedo n he's done some awful shit to loads of his fans. there was like a huge petition to get him off warped n shit n it worked. fuck that dude
6/10 It's nice, but nothing special. [video=youtube;D8gVjRa--_w]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D8gVjRa--_w[/video]
8/10 Really nice song. [video=youtube;fAIiS5n8phg]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fAIiS5n8phg[/video]
That was really good! 8/10 [video=youtube;XsYrGKn14jI]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XsYrGKn14jI[/video]
6/10 not feeling that one [video=youtube;fXNgq4j7la4]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fXNgq4j7la4[/video]
the mashup song - 6/10 eh the video - 7/10 (maybe merge this with my rate music video thread) This is from a Christian band I follow [video=youtube;kc0DKzPdv44]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kc0DKzPdv44[/video]
Hillsong! On a RTSA thread! Finally. 8/10, but I like "Touch The Sky" so much better. [video=youtube;5_5oE0ijhKg]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5_5oE0ijhKg[/video]
It was okay. Generic but not technically bad. 5/10 [video=youtube;oH-YFaVpgEI]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oH-YFaVpgEI[/video]
7/10 Cool, it gets too repetitive though [video=youtube;swafPlTnZeU]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=swafPlTnZeU&index=2&list=PL7580EB3DAE176106[/video]
7/10 I've never really been able to get into their music but good nonetheless! [video=youtube_share;7NVEpqTTjkY]http://youtu.be/7NVEpqTTjkY[/video]
Never heard of these guys before. Pretty good. 7.5/10 Reminded me a lot of Iron Maiden. [video=youtube;qxu1bku4wN0]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qxu1bku4wN0[/video]