A lot of Ray Charles and Elvis Presley and then one from the really early 1900's that's somehow in amazing condition.
@Gibs I just followed you on bandcamp, since you showed up on 'some fans you might like to follow'. Instantly recognized your profile picture
I'm laying in bed on my laptop and the cat decided to lay on my neck, face shoved into my face, pawns on my chin, it's kind of annoying but I don't wanna move because it feels so fluffy, cute and cuddly.
Fuck, man. I never thought about climate change much but going by the predicted rising sea levels, the city I live in is going to be done in 100 years or so. Or atleast, the sea water is going to enter in major areas by 2050. Shit, man. This is so scary. It's already happening in Bangladesh.
Seen y'all with such high postscounts, I am SO behind on this. Not doing too bad though, I just wish there was a way for me to hang out around here more often. At first glance it's totally doable, given that I'm off since 5pm, but when I arrive to my room I am tired as fuck. Right now I'm trying to look for a course or lessons to sign up on saturdays, so I can be home on weekends. Working Monday through Saturdays is exhausting.
Not learning to swim at an early age really is catching up on me. I must change this sooner rather than later. Sigh
As someone who lives right above the beach, it's always fun to read stuff like this. I always assume swimming is something that literally anyone can do because it's second nature to me. Parents here have a special way of teaching their kids to swim. Basically you throw your kid in the sea and hope (s)he survies. I recommend it as a learning method.
Have you tried? It's really easy. Literally if you drown it's your own fault because your body inherently floats.
It wasn't until Donald Trump's presidential campaign, did I truly understand the need for the electoral college.
Apparently the Alamo Drafthouse theater in Dallas is still showing screenings of Mad Max Fury Road. I own the Blu-Ray, but man, I NEED to see that one on the big screen again.
He just visited my city. A couple of people posted pictures shaking his hand and whatnot. Those people cease to exist to me. :nokappa: