I never thought I'd be in a situation where I was actually torn between what was meant to be a temporary COVID/job-searching gig and a prospective career job. I just...wasn't ready for this opportunity yet. I really love working with my current coworkers and I just got told like a week ago I was being made an assistant manager but now I've got a really good-looking interview set up for music publishing. It seems dumb to hold off on my career but some part of me just doesn't want to go yet. Idk maybe I'm just weird.
Personally, I'd go for that music publishing job. Staying where you are at right now may be more comfortable, but I wouldn't pass up an opportunity to go into a career path you went to school for, especially in the climate we're in right now. Who knows if an opportunity like this will come again soon? Unless you think there's a chance of something better coming along later. I understand though. Was working at DQ from 2016-2018 and I had a hard time leaving because I liked working with my co-workers so much.
So that didn't pan out. I'm still managing a chicken store for now but that's okay. It's a good place with good coworkers so no complaints.
Selling my first car today and moving onto a 2017 Honda Civic... man I really have no emotional connection with my first car, I really disliked that thing. But now it's time to waste money on stupid aesthetic upgrades for my new car lol
this but now imagine every fiber of your existence is getting stretched and torn to an unthinkable degree
Passive-aggressive hazing and putdowns are just annoying. Empathy seems to be a rare skill these days.
It can be tough and demanding, especially if you're supporting yourself. But you can do it. You've fought to come this far; don't give up!
Its kinda crazy how much events like the red scare and US propaganda has royally fucked the midsets of half the people in this country. And its even more frustrating knowing that these types of unchangable events have fucked my present, and I feel so helpless to change it (besides filling in a couple circles every year through a dysfunctional election system). Anyone got any recommendations for other countries to move to if this whole America thing doesnt pan out?
Disconnect from the election cycle a bit if you can. As much as people guilt trip you for doing so, it’s ok to take a break. Of course, it’s always your choice as to whether or not how much you want to tune in.
Okay, ima need you guys to make sure all the signs and shit are in english, and whenever I'm around, y'all speak English.