Coffee in the morning for me is essential. I need my daily dose of caffeine I like tee as well though.
I'm no elitist. I try a lot of different shit. I enjoy coffee with milk and a little bit of sugar the most, but I mostly have black coffee in the morning. Sometimes I drink it with cream, sometimes I'll drink a Vanilla Nescafé when I'm working, sometimes I'll have an iced coffee... Hence my comment, really. I fucking love coffee.
Stumbled upon the video for the X Ambassors' "Renegades" and it made me tear up a little. Was surprised as hell. I've seen the video before so I really wasn't expecting it. The world is filled with amazing people doing amazing things, whether it's training like an animal, creating art or just travelling and exploring incredible places. And it sucks to realize you're not doing any of that. Hope to change that soon.
I've pulled all-nighter upon all-nighter without nasty ground beans and caffeine mix. Or any other kind of energy booster. I've never used them at any point in my life and I feel just fine with enough energy for every day. Get on my level pleb.
I think everyone's a nerd or geek as a kid - they just don't want to admit it Ah, I misunderstood then. My brother wants to be an author as well but he studied journalism and literature to get a grasp on the art. Just depends on how you want to go about it, huh? I don't know anything about programming lol. I know you can handle that though since you're smart and wise well beyond your years. I feel old or just feel scared about the idea of aging. I feel like the door shuts more with time and I'm not able to be as ambitious as I once was.
Why do I keep getting logged out of this forum even though I always click the "stay logged in" option? It's kinda hassle having to log in all the time. C'mon guys, Valentine's is coming up and I don't wanna be rejected again </3
It could be worse; I can't even log in with Chrome and am forced to use this plebbery Microsoft Edge. And Edge always logs me out. And forgets my password despite clicking "yes" when it asks if I want to remember. Edge sux.