Since The Hunting Party cycle has ended, I've been receiving a few suggestions to revive the session thread. Just wondered what the general consensus is right now. We could continue now or wait until a possible THP demo surfaces on LPU XV?
I'll leave the decision up to you, but do consider that once LP announces a new album, the amount of people here daily will double up, and you're undoubtedly gonna have more responses.
I think one of the big problems LT had is that it followed ATS, and that exacerbated how formulaic and samey the first half of the album felt. It's a good album, especially the second half, but it had its problems.
I've always have had a love / hate relationship with Linkin Park. After all this time, I've come to accept that LP was the band that made me an avid fan of music. They'll always hold a special place with me, even if I don't really listen to them anymore. Hell, I even find Meteora enjoyable from time-to-time.
It sounds like the song was filtered in order to highlight the vocals, resulting in the rest sounding like - well, crap. But I'm probably wrong.
YES! -- Who thinks that Aubrey One might as well be a demo from 2002? Excluding intro and outro, every other element sounds exactly like in the Meteora demos, imo. Even the guitars have the same tone.