Talking about Until It's Gone, it's slowly becoming one of my favourite tracks from the album, dunno why...
Funny how Until It's Gone is getting much more love now. I also must say I liked it from the beginning. It has this classic Meteora vibe. Although this wouldn't be an argument for many, I know.
The synth solo in Welcome is incredible, but it's not one that I listen to very often. Still is one of the better Fort Minor songs though, given how mediocre a majority of The Rising Tied and the mixtapes were
If LP continue down a heavy path for their next album, I really hope they do more alternative songs like MTG. It's not my favourite song on the album, but it's definitely one of the most interesting. An album full of songs with unusual song structures/flow, where you can't predict what'll happen next would be really epic, regardless of whether it's heavy/soft/electronic/acoustic/polka.