I'm going to the show on January 31st, 2010...and naturally there is a possibility (due to random selection) that I may get into a M&G. Due to this being my first M&G in my 10 years of supporting this band, and due to M&G rules being changed in the last year...I have a few questions for those who have already attended one, in case I get in. 1. If I get into the M&G, I know right now that my dad is going to dislike being by himself in the pit, due to it being ridiculously hard to find him again once I leave the pit. Is there a designated waiting area that family members can wait in while I'm in the M&G room, or must he just grin and bear it in the pit and try to find me afterward? 2. Is it just a 10 second "hi, bye" assembly line system where the band signs autographs and then leaves, or do they sign and then stick around a little to mingle with fans? 3. When does it usually take place? During the second act or before? 4. I know some people have gotten pictures of them with the band (ana for example), but does every M&G allow cameras, or is it something you have to sneak? Again I don't know if I'll even get a M&G pass, but it's really important to weigh these things out in advance so if I get selected, I'm not scrambling at the last second. Hopefully people will know the answers to these questions .
**Here's a tip for anyone front row in a pit: If your taking video and the security dude is nagging you to stop, look down at your camera for a minute. Pretend your changing a setting on it to turn off the flash. You can start recording video again but keep your finger on and off the button to make it look like your taking pics. Worked for me!
There is no line when the M&G is less crowded. In AUE there wasn't, but they were around 15 people. I'm pretty sure they will use the line for the US M&G. I suggest that you prepare a question or something you want to say, for each one of the guy - so you can at least exchange a few words with them - or you'll probably get frozen and just getting stuff signed is cool but well saying something is better. You'll probably introduce yourself as the owner of the site, since the guys know it - they will probably get the conversation going with you so you have a big plus here. I do believe they stick around after the signing - but then again it depends of the number of fans for your luck of having a real convo with them. But they will probably do a group photo with all the fans. Cameras are allowed during M&G, just do not use flash. And camera is allowed during the show but don't start filming, unless you are far from someone of the security, or they will ask you to stop. Good luck, I hope you get chosen!
2. Is it just a 10 second "hi, bye" assembly line system where the band signs autographs and then leaves, or do they sign and then stick around a little to mingle with fans? I know they used to do this. However it changed during Projekt Rev 08. They get everyone in a room and two members come in and you sit and chat from anywhere around 15 minutes to half an hour. You can get one thing signed, and you can take plenty of pictures, just no flash. Then you all take a couple group photos together. I don't know whether or not they went back to the old system of a line. 3. When does it usually take place? During the second act or before? Usually happens during the second act. However you get there before and are usually already underway with it by the time the second act starts. 4. I know some people have gotten pictures of them with the band (ana for example), but does every M&G allow cameras, or is it something you have to sneak? Everyone M&G should allow cameras.
No they changed it back, people complained too much about seeing just 2 members of the band and only 15 people got selected. It was a stupid system during the MTM tour.
so do you think that if i got a M&G, that it could be possible (meaning they won't stop me) to bring in my guitar to have them sign and draw on?
I think you may have to check whether the venue will allow you to bring large objects in because they might have a policy or consider it a weapon Just check to be on the safe side. I would also email LPUHQ and ask them! I don't see why the band wouldn't sign a guitar though.
A young girl at the Melbourne concert got her guitar signed, so I'd say to ring up the venue and ask them if you can bring it in.
So if you go to the m&g and you were up against the barricades does that mean you pretty much lose your seats if you go?
The M&G is when the first part goes on live, so going to the barricade and wait 6 hours outside when you get to go to the M&G is useless. Maybe you will have the chance to be near the stage after, it depends how good you are in crowds but forget the barricade. I assume it's because you had the chance of being chosen? I don't know how anybody could like that system when your chances of meeting only 2 members of the band goes down by 50%
The nature of the LPU is not informing you until the last minute, so yeah XD le sigh... i used to always love answering these questions... but now i feel so out of date
As far as seeing footage from M&Gs this tour, it looks like a bit of a hangout session type deal. But the US tour could be a bit different.
I bet it was on ebay the following day. The answer to your question is YES, and this is one reason why I didn't jump on board and pay the $60 to join the LPU. M&G's have always been sneaky little lies...to me. No offense to the band whatsoever but it's a hell of way to sell LPU without explaining the whole process. If you were me and buying LPU6 at Best Buy all those years ago, you would have clearly noticed on the box 'join LPU, grants you access to presale, special stuff, chat access and to meet LP'. Boy oh boy, did I ever have my hopes up for that. Cause you know, it's not like for a few weeks into LPU that you find out it's freakin' random luck. It has nothing to do with you being new or signing up early. That is purely a MYTH and before you know it, your hopes are pretty much smashed because the show you attended has the most people and there's over 300 people signed up for the M&G. But I digress now, since I think I've managed to do accomplish some pretty sweet things by just ending up front row. Oh and before I thought about it, I came close to doing the M&G for NYC....but I was REALLY hoping for a Summit, that way it would have been the day of or day before and I would have had no issues of meeting the band and going to the show. but alas, my plans where thwarted and they had to have it in sucky Chicago. (First the summit, then the stupid Bears not beating the Packers so the Giants couldn't get in, grrr, 'windy city' of course it is, it BLOWS ) --RS