Prophets of Rage = Tom Morello, Tim Commerford, Brad Wilk, B Real, Chuck D We need a revolution!!!! These guys are going to bring it!!!! Anyone else excited about this new band? #Nobody4President #BlackLivesMatter [video=youtube;p1l9VIZIPi8][/video]
The truth is, a bunch of old men playing old music will never truly make a difference. I say this as a casual RATM/Public Enemy fan.
With the politics aside, I'm just interested in some new music from these guys. I think they can work well as a group.
I'm really hoping that these guys put out some original material too, rather than just playing RATM, Public Enemy, and Cypress Hill tracks. A bit disappointed that Zack de la Rocha isn't involved, but apparently he's working on a different project right now. I was thinking a few weeks ago how we need RATM back more than ever now, considering the political landscape. I can't wait to see them crash the Republican National Convention.
New original song from Prophets of Rage!!!! [video=youtube;DEW74b-6bSU][/video]