Projected A Thousand Suns Sales

Discussion in 'News' started by Joe, Sep 16, 2010.

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  1. #41

    Henry Mochiagete, Tokihanashite.

    Aug 22, 2010
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    You really care for the sale, don't you? You said you like it...and you don't really accept the changing.
    And LP still who they are, just that you still look at their old picture, not the new one.
    Would you go back to school, be a grade 1 student again when you are as old as a grandpa?

    Don't worry, LP can make a whole new HT and put it out, be a millionaire again. But sorry, there's no way they would do that.

    Don't make me recall When They Come For Me
    Last edited: Sep 16, 2010
  2. #42

    Jeff WORSHIP LPA Addicted VIP

    Feb 3, 2010
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    Clearly you havent been reading the past few posts or paying attention to what the band has been saying. They don't care about "commercial success" anymore. They did something that was exciting to them, and that they can be proud of as a whole. I'm going to repeat was has been said by a few people. If an artist doesn't change it up, it no longer makes it art, but makes them a sellout.
    Numbers nowadays, mean nothing, as long as the music is great, thats all that matters.
    And to add to the matter, that piracy has increased extremely within the past few years.

    And might I add, that U2 is FAR from pop music. Just because it is softer does not make it a pop album. That is a very misunderstood realization.
  3. #43

    rcm034 Well-Known Member

    Jul 23, 2010
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    This is true, and it isn't piracy that is doing it. Digital single sales is one of the leading factors, but there are other reasons. Piracy is far from the cause of music industry decline. Per capita album sales began declining before napster was out in some countries, or didn't start declining until after piracy was widespread in some others, like france. Blame itunes, streaming sites, and the music industry itself for dividing the industry into so many genres, limiting the number of people who would consider buying ATS because they "don't like nu-metal bands and/or rap and/or ...". This album appeals to a different audience than HT/M, and it may take a while for potential new fans to find and hear it.

    I predict more consistent mid to long term sales than any of the other albums in contention for top album this week.
  4. #44

    ArisLP Active Member

    Feb 16, 2007
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    i accept the new style...and i will always support i said i'm missing their old sound...i didin't say to release another ht r meteora..i just wanted more guitars drums etc...
    i can't fit the sound of blackout with the piou piou pa pa sound behind it...(only talking about the specific song)...
  5. #45

    bartorious Member

    Apr 27, 2006
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  6. #46
    The Emptiness Machine

    The Emptiness Machine Out of the abyss. LPA Über VIP

    Apr 27, 2007
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    If I were in a band I don't really think I'd care as long as I am happy with the music that I made, who cares if some people don't like it?
  7. #47

    Jeff WORSHIP LPA Addicted VIP

    Feb 3, 2010
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    If you miss their old sound, just listen to their old albums (The song On To The Next One by Jay-Z hits the nail on the head with this subject)

    uhhhh, what kind of sound now? o_O
  8. #48

    ArisLP Active Member

    Feb 16, 2007
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    nothing it's just with the lptv i saw before hearing the blackout i thought it was going to be a really hard song...but no...:p

    i'm not from uk and the words doesn't come out as i want....:)

    so forget all that...LP rlz and that's for sure....

    btw i heard the song from jay-z and it's good...but it shoulnd't come from someone who's only rapping...:p
    Last edited: Sep 16, 2010
  9. #49

    Lenore Member

    May 20, 2007
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    Disturbed's new album sold 179,000 it's first week, not 250k, just to bring that into perspective. Disturbed being one of the bigger figures in rock music right now.

    Katy Perry, who is a much more mainstream figure than Linkin Park, sold 192,000.

    In 2010, when cd sales are at an all time low, coupled with the fact that they released a album that is radically different from their previous efforts, this is nothing to be disappointed about. And I'm pretty sure the band themselves would just as soon never make music again than to revert back to their old Hybrid Theory/Meteora ways.
  10. #50

    rav0k New Member

    Jun 1, 2010
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    You also have to take the hype into consideration. Linkin Park claimed they were breaking boundaries and doing something completely new when Minutes to Midnight was close to release. It makes perfect sense that a massive amount of people would go see what was new with the band.
  11. #51

    Jeff WORSHIP LPA Addicted VIP

    Feb 3, 2010
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    It doesn't matter who it comes from. He is still a musician, just as Linkin Park is filled with musicians. They know how it is making the same thing over and over, and know that in order to stay relevant, they need to switch it up.
  12. #52

    Moridin Death Contagious Deity

    May 25, 2010
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    :D I sense WTCFM will be quoted many, many times in the coming months and maybe even years.

    This^ I think ATS will bring in a healthy dose of new blood. Maybe not in equal amounts to those leaving but there's a trade of for being less commercial and I for one won't miss the instant gratification/consumer type fan that make up a large portion of LPs fanbase.
    ATS hasn't even been out a week, we gotta give it time to filter out there to people who are willing to listen.

    I just hope LP continue to push the envelope with their future albums.

    How can it be too far if you like it?
    We must move forward not backward. Upward not forward. And always twirling, Twirling, TWIRLING toward freedom!

    Or Metallica going from Thrash Metal to Country... oh wait. :p
    Last edited: Sep 16, 2010
  13. #53

    Ant Ambient

    Dec 10, 2004
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    I think you're taking what the band has said a bit out of context.

    I bet they do care about commercial success and how much their album sells, just like they care about reviews (if they didn't, why would Mike post the good reviews on his blog?). They just wanted to try a new style.
  14. #54

    fido Active Member

    Sep 11, 2010
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    guys you have to realise people liked linkin park in the first place BECAUSE OF THE MUSIC THEY MAKE. I mean we all love chester,mike,rob, and other band members but then again we have to realise that majority of people didnt liked their sound and their fan base decreased from the day M2M was released. i seriously dont wanna go into the discussion whether nu-metal is dead or not. we will surely know about that when LB will release their new album but whatever it is just realise that even LP are humans, and like other bands, their newest album ATS 'MIGHT' flop or dont do much sales.

    but some 'legendary' bands like slayer, Iron maiden and others havent changed their sound much and they have stuck to their basic sound and they are successful and still giving huge sales. So mate u cant say changing the sound will give LP benefit because (1) People easily dont accept change :) (2) i forgot number 2 :p

    I totally agree with you man. They are also human beings and since making music is their bread n butter they do care about sales and reviews and popularity and fan following.
    Last edited: Sep 16, 2010
  15. #55
    The Emptiness Machine

    The Emptiness Machine Out of the abyss. LPA Über VIP

    Apr 27, 2007
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    I thought that I'd actually respond with more appropriate reply than my previous one but first let me quote two songs that are relevant to the situation at hand. (Quick note: It's perfectly okay to skip these quotes as they're a bit long. :sweating:)

    Bob Dylan - The Times are a'Changing

    NOFX - Dinosaurs WILL Die.

    With less sales it means that less Nu-Metal fans will pick up the album "A Thousand Suns", that means there's a chance of less haters trolling the fan forums on the internet because they've finally realized that their obsession has become obsolete and that they're adamant bickering will only throw their selfish and irrelevant protests into an endless abyss of obscurity.

    They'll then either shut up or accept that Linkin Park can go about making the music they want to make instead of having to read about how much one individual or another hates the sound they're currently interested in and that they can put out more music more quickly as they do not have to worry about preconceived perceptions about what they should act and sound like.

    Sure, it's true that Warner cares about sales and such but Warner is a dinosaur and if they don't keep up with the times and accept that things have come to a big change then they're going to become extinct like so many other companies and record labels. It's no longer the static/analog age, it is the new age, a new millenium that is ever growing and changing.

    The age is digital and they will either have to evolve and adapt or they will inevitably die. It is the same with all bands and artist, if you're passionate about your art but are mostly interested in making money then it's not the time to become employed in the art industry. Instead, you are better suited for the "Commercial" industry where you are grouped in genre's that you may not have been particularly interested in from the outset. (ie, Linkin Park: Meteora) Sure the Art industry and that of the Commercial can clash at times but it is truly rare for that to happen now a days. If you're trying to be different then you're just setting yourself up for a quick buck and for failure after you've become a one hit wonder.

    If you want to put out something that you are passionate about and you are truly uniquely different (without trying to be) and are happy with what you are doing then the amount of money should not matter to you that much and I believe that is how Linkin Park feel right now. They've had their fame, and have been pigeonholed into a certain genre for monetary gains and they have had enough of that, they do not want to sacrifice true art for fake art that appeals to the mass audience. They have taken a stand with A Thousand Suns saying "This is what we are happy with right now, this is what we are going to do" and maybe after that they will make a completely different album and say "This is completely different but this is what we're happy with right now and this is what we're going to do"

    So no, I don't think we should care only about the sales because the people who love the band will support them and that is what they care about, people supporting them because they like what they put out not because of the name they have.

    - Jesse
  16. #56

    lilj4425 Well-Known Member

    Sep 2, 2010
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    Q: Why CD sales of ATS are only going to be around 250,000?
    A: Itunes.

    Any other questions? :D
  17. #57

    fido Active Member

    Sep 11, 2010
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    Lol .. dude its the FAKE ART (nu-mutal) which made them succesfull in the first place :p

    dude, even on ITunes they are also not doing good by the reviews i read (not mentioning their number 1 spot because it is the only album of a huge band released on 14th september so obviously they were gonna be at the top spot)
    Last edited: Sep 16, 2010
  18. #58
    The Emptiness Machine

    The Emptiness Machine Out of the abyss. LPA Über VIP

    Apr 27, 2007
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    Well I believe HT was true art. xD Meteora I believe was a complete product of a music industry that was afraid of change. (Warner) haha.
  19. #59

    Jeff WORSHIP LPA Addicted VIP

    Feb 3, 2010
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    Just because your debut artwork was successful to begin with, doesn't mean it is going to stay successful. (Case-in-point: Limp Bizkit)

    The iTunes reviews are filled with trolls, who go about whining on how Linkin Park is no longer nu-metal. It makes me rather embarrassed to be in the same fanbase as them.
  20. #60

    Shayan86 Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2010
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    Have you ever heard of a man called Robert Plant?
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