I honestly wouldn't know how the parties compare... Basically Labor is slightly left-wing, and the Liberals are our conservatives. It's basically guaranteed that it'll be one of those two elected as well. You forgot that the majority of us are actually left-handed as well.
I was waiting for this speech (from last night) to get on YouTube. Now it's up: [youtube]yqoFwZUp5vc[/youtube] Second best speech he's made of his entire political career (only behind the one he did at the 2004 Democratic National Convention). As Eugene Robinson of the Washington Post said...it was a 'goosebumps moment'.
Obama should win this, but although this first win is a good sign, it doesn't say anything about the rest of the campaign. I mean the American elections take insanely long compared to others so I guess anyone could still win. If it isn't Hilary Clinton or any other crazy person it's fine by me. edit: That's one great speech, Derek!
Well in the same respect, Bill Clinton lost Iowa and then went on to win the race almost a decade ago. So it's anybody's game. It's just a win for Barack in a 95% white state (IOWA) is a huge thing.
Obama still has a long road ahead of him to get the nomination (and possibly win the election), but this is a good sign. I've always been extremely critical of presidential candidates, and Obama is no different. The way he has kept his composure, and not lose sight of what matters to him in the wake of intense hype and scrutiny, has impressed me, though. He's got the youthful energy that just might be what this country needs. I know he gets labeled as an inexperienced idealist, but if Dick Cheney has showed us anything, it's that experience isn't all it's cracked up to be. So, I guess I'm officially on the Obama bandwagon now. If he only delivers on half his promises, I think we'd still be in good shape. Now he has my vote, and I wish him luck in the rest of the primaries.
I read this last paragraph, and I thought of this video. Please watch, it's only short: [youtube]6aQ8QCyeYjg[/youtube] I'll never get sick of Charles Firth.
Very true. However, it is a good sign of things to come, and if he can carry this momentum into the next primaries in New Hampshire, then he's got an excellent chance. Edwards never really was a contender, and Clinton's campaign seems to be running out of steam, while Obama's campaign is still going strong. Also, it's a big deal because people were always saying that Obama didn't have a chance because he's African American (and his middle name is Hussein and his last name rhymes with Osama, which according to some idiots, means he's a Muslim terrorist). But if a state as white as Iowa can vote for a black guy, then I think that proves all of the naysayers wrong.
I'm only 15 and never have been Very Political because of my hatred of Pointless Arguing. But I gotta say..If I could Vote I Would Go For Obama Definitely He sticks to his point, he doesn't studder like a moron, And When people say hes Inexperienced that just makes me think he hasnt been Exposed to the Corruption of DC As long as those other Candidates have. He Seems Like A Balanced Individual. And An American
Attention Obama fans. Check out the latest (POST IOWA) poll by Rasmussen for New Hampshire: Obama: 37% (Up 10 points from 12/18) Clinton : 27% (down 4 points) Edwards: 19% Looks like Obama's strong showing in Iowa has managed to propel him far ahead of the competition. The NH primary could be his!
Is there any way I could find out when the Ohio Primary takes place? I'm sure there's a site somewhere but I don't know where to even start looking.
According to www.rockthevote.com MARCH 2008 • March 4: Massachusetts, Ohio, Rhode Island, Texas, Vermont • March 8: Wyoming (D) • March 11: Mississippi
Wow, the primary's that late? I wouldn't even count on needing to vote. There are a few primaries in this month, then February 5th is Super Tuesday where a bunch of states (24 I think) hold there primaries, and that usually decides it, unless things are really close. If there's a clear winner on Super Tuesday, typically, the other's drop out and the remaining primaries don't even matter. Of course, if it's not decided by the Ohio primary, then by all means, vote.
From a political standpoint I believe Hillary may have really damaged herself in tonight's NH debate. Barack Obama (now being the front runner) was clear, focused..calm and collected with every answer to every question that was asked of him. Hillary rolled her eyes the entire time, gave death stares to the other candidates and even yelled at Obama during one point of the debate which was totally unexpected. As much as I hate to say it to the Clinton fans, she looked very immature tonight and possibly might have delivered herself the equivalent of the "Dean Scream" by allowing herself to get so frustrated over Barack Obama. She is clearly not ready for the job of president.
..........BYAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! In All Seriousness though My Mom Doesnt Want Hilary To Win Because it would mean Having the same 2 familys in office for so long Bush Clinton Bush Clinton Someone else
A lot of people liked the first Clinton, which is the only reason, I think, that Hillary will get any votes. No one cares about her policies, in a general way of speaking. They just want some way to bring Bill back in office short of changing the Constitution so he can run again.
I somehow doubt that all of Hilary's supporters are just in-the-closet Bill fanatics. That's pretty far fetched to believe. As much as I want to believe the general public of America is that fucking stupid, it's pretty obvious they (we) want a change. I don't think they'd vote for Hilary just to make Bill the First Man. I think Obama & Huckabee will win their respective parties nominations, and in the end, after a close finish, Obama will pull it out for the win via a Stone Cold Stunner. NEW PRESIDENT! NEW PRESIDENT! Sorry, it's late. <_<