OHhhhh okay. Just making sure. While all that is pretty neat stuff, I want to know why it is the best thing ever, or what about it will make it the best thing ever. Not the features of what it covers. Do you get what I mean? And @Todd. Ohhh. I see. Well, thats quite specific; I can see why though.
Well, sliced bread is the best thing that ever happened so it won't be number one, but definitely in the top 10
http://www.dailykos.com/storyonly/2...tform-Spill-Disaster-is-CHENEYS-Fault-UPDATED This whole thing could've been avoided if Cheney didn't de-regulate certain failsafes from being required in oil platforms (something that ALMOST EVERY OTHER COUNTRY REQUIRES). Thanks again Dick!
I hate people who oppose Obama's policies and reforms, especially those who call them "Communist." I was on a plane once to Amsterdam, and there was this ignoramus who said she was moving to Holland because she was so sick and tired of the "ridiculously high taxes" in America. I lol'd at the thought of the big surprise she was gonna get paying 60% taxes when she'd settled in. Not that I think there's a problem with that though. Where economics are concerned, it's better to have a strong middle class than it is to have a strong wealthy class. Personally I would be happy being a part of the American middle class if it weren't to disappear by the time I get into the working world.
The communist stuff bothers me. If you don't like his policies then criticise him by all means, but... I've seen people who actually try to draw direct comparisons between him and figures like Stalin and Mao and that just defies belief.
Today , Iran , Tehran http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HhV1vJCVsEM http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Pm6wbnaLOA http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UpDAe4gJagI
That's our fine civic education at work, ladies and gentlemen. And there's nothing wrong with a little bit of social democracy here and there...
I agree, it's just kind of sad that some people honestly seem to think that having someone who tries to implement things like progressive taxation and nationalised healthcare is the same as having a tyrant who murders millions of their own citizens haha. If it bugs me as much as it does when I see it now, I don't want to know how much that sort of thing must piss off people who actually lived through stuff like that.
Exactly. People throw around Hitler and Stalin comparisons with little or no thought. I doubt any modern American citizen (or citizen of any industrialized nation, for that matter) could ever fathom what living under a genocidal, tyrannical regime is like. "What? The federal government bailed out General Motors? Well, fuck, just throw me in a labor camp."
Indeed, and I consider myself quite fortunate not to (although my grandparents did, so there's that ). This new House legitimately worries though; they're cutting programs left and right, eating the crop seed as it were. As I titled a thread on my Dream Theater Forum, the GOP is "sacrificing tomorrow for a better today," with not much guarantee of the latter either.
So If I oppose Obama's policies and reforms because I have my doubts on them, Am I to be hated solely on that premise?
I'd expect you to at least explain why you think they're a bad idea, but no, not really... Although I would respectfully disagree with you. In that post, I was referring more particularly to people who oppose his policies for stupid reasons. Granted as a staunch supporter of his policies I can see no reason to oppose them, but better to disagree for taking reasonable issue than for no issue except those fed by the Republican army.
I know. The main point of my message was that that was a very poor measuring tool for which to determine whether or not you'll like someone. And awesome, it's good to respectfully disagree. It's hard to find amongst strong supporters who'll take heart one side, and accept the legitimate argument of the other. The republican army You know, I never heard that term before, thanks. Learning something new everyday Anyhow.. yes.. Better to be informed well of your positions than being given one from a political side.
I mean naturally I believe that I'm right, whatever the position espoused by a Republican or Tea Partier...
Are you implying that the other is wrong? Its unfortunate that Republicans and Tea Parties are..this sort of merged category. As well, I believe I'm also right, but whether or not I believe so, I do also listen in on the other side. Besides, is there anything wrong being slightly right of center?
What is this, respectfully disagreeing on the interwebs? Much less real life! Grrr. We need some hell fire and accusations of treason to boot. --- Actually, no. It is nice to have some decency.
It's ok. In a day or two there'll be another global warming scandal or Glenn Beck will do something, and we'll all want to kill each other again.
Jesse. ITS SO STRANGE I KNOW WHAT THE ID ONT EVEN wuuut Dean: Actually, It snowed where I lived this winter. (First since..21 years ago? or 22. somewhere around there) CERTAINLY NOT WARMING HERE.
Actually as I hear it Beck's ratings are declining, perhaps that's good news. Well actually the term "warming" is misleading, as what global climate change means is just more frequent and more severe weather events...although it does culminate in the rapid warming of the planet which (I hope) will not speed out of control.