Discussion in 'Linkin Park Chat' started by Jeff, Sep 7, 2010.

  1. #81

    Shayan86 Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2010
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    I think it's better not to post my review right now, as there's still hype and excitement about listening to the new album, so I will save my review for sometime later when I can write a more logical one.
  2. #82

    danielpsoad-09 Well-Known Member

    Jul 22, 2005
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    Well, I don't have much to add to the ones who have said the album is a masterpiece, and the best Linkin Pärk album to date. I love HT, but my mind was blown with this album, from beginning to end. Everytime I listen to it, I love it more and more. It's just beautiful to listen to it as a whole. The melodies are awesome, and I really appreciate the band's effort to try new things, to experiment with different song structures, and to used everything we know they can do, but in a different way this time. It worked for me.
    This journey has a lot of 'moments', being the highlights for me the songs Wating for the End, Iridescent, and The Messenger. I must say the climax for me was the whole band singing in Iridescent. It really gave me chills the first time I listened to it.
    I'm highly pleased with this album, and I can't wait to receive my preordered special edition of the album.
    I can't describe how excited I am, knowing that I'll be seeing them for the first time in Santiago next month!. I hope they play Waiting for the End and Iridescent, because both songs are already part of my favorite LP songs of all time.
  3. #83

    Snail LPA Super Member LPA Super Member

    Oct 26, 2005
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    The jokes for The Requiem and The Radiance were forced, you can tell that the guys dug the intro two tracks at the very least. Glad they enjoyed The Messenger as well.

    To the ill-informed and/or those without an open mind, A Thousand Suns is a dreadfully draining and wacky dance/trance album. It's not hard to see it from both ends of the spectrum.
  4. #84

    Ant Ambient

    Dec 10, 2004
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    Not the Shinoda version. Point proved.

    I win teh interwebz!
  5. #85
    Blackee Dammet

    Blackee Dammet Feminism Is My God Now

    Feb 25, 2006
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    It's ok.

  6. #86

    lief92 Well-Known Member

    Apr 16, 2006
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    To be honest, the reactions from other fans affected my judgement of the album as I was so lost after hearing it. It doesn't help that so many fans are saying "Load of shit!" and "We've lost Linkin Park forever!", but after seeing the doco, it really gave me some insight into what LP were trying to do. I really recommend anyone who doesn't get the album to see Meeting of A Thousand Suns.

  7. #87

    finality Well-Known Member

    Dec 13, 2004
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    I won't give lengthy descriptions or anything, just a flat out rating of 1-10 for each track, a quick blurb about it and an "overall" rating for the entire piece, which I feel was their intent. Not including the interludes obviously.

    03 -- Burning in the Skies - 6/10
    Starts out pretty "meh", gets a little interesting half-way and ends with what I wish the rest of the song sounded like. Lyrics are okay.

    05 -- When They Come For Me - 5/10
    Mike sounds terribly awkward here. I like Chester's part. The electronic elements are decent, reminiscent of Unreal Tournament. The middle eastern chant sounds kind of blah... could have been done better, the filter was terrible. Lyrics are trite. Mothafucka.

    06 --Robot Boy - 8/10
    This is where the album gets pretty good, around its midsection. Everybody does a good job on this track. Fantastic build-up with some Final Fantasy-esque tunes. Lyrics are quite nice. Jornada del Muerto is a nice finish to this song.

    08 --Waiting for the End - 8.5/10
    Admittedly, I didn't care for the reggae sound at first, but it grew on me quite rapidly. Absolutely great finish to the song. Feels very 90's summer pop-rock. Yay Sugar Ray!

    09 --Blackout - 9/10
    Whoa, was not expecting this one. Probably the best buildup on any Linkin Park song. Perhaps (let me brew on this one though) their best song, overall? The ending seems to be what people dislike the most about this song, but I tend to like it. Massive build-up and a nice, mellow finish.

    10 --Wretches and Kings - 7.5/10
    Mike does well here. The reggae thing works pretty well for Chester (although sometimes feels forced). Feels like a 90s rap track. Disappointed with the pacing of the song, though. The 'ey, 'ey, 'ey is terrible and out of place. Not a fan of the filter on the guitar... I feel it could have been done better. It feels like Hybrid Theory EP guitars, which is okay for nostalgia I guess. Joe sighting, yay!

    11 --Iridescent - 7/10
    Wisdom, Justice and Love I feel is the intro to this track. Lyrics are very nice. Mike sounds great here, Chester does alright -- though a little whiny. My problem is the blatant U2-ness of the track. This song sounds like a Minutes to Midnight B-side to be honest. Liked hearing the group singing, though.

    13 --The Catalyst - 5/10
    I really tried hard to like this song. I hate this song until about 2 minutes left in it. It's repetitive, nauseatingly electronica crap that tries hard to be Pendulum but fails miserably. Lyrics (what little there are) are pretty decent... I just wish there was more to it. When I listen to the album as a whole, I really don't see how it fits -- besides the lyrics. It's just not that good.

    14 --The Messenger - 6/10
    Man, I hated this the firs time I heard it. It felt like Axl Rose trying to be mushy (well, with more talent). Lyrics felt a bit Tom Delonge (ugh) at times. Singing was very forced, but you can tell there's some major skill there. Guitar is extremely basic stuff (which isn't always a bad thing) and can be picked up by anyone... maybe this was their intent?

    xx --A Thousand Suns - 8/10
    As a whole, I enjoyed this album. I feel an 8/10 might be a little too generous at this point, though, as the initial "hey this is neat" may wear off fairly quickly (especially with Jimmy Eat World and Kings of Leon releasing albums soon). This album HAS to be listened to as a single entity, sans The Catalyst and The Messenger. You can pretty much toss them off the ship and it feels just right, snug as a bug.
  8. #88

    Sønic Searching for the last Chaos Emerald... LPA Super Member

    Jul 26, 2004
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    Made me :lol:
  9. #89

    Niklas BadaBinge LPA VIP

    May 1, 2007
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    11/10. simple as that. sheer perfection in every meaning possible. i had chills down my spine, the whole time ive been listening to it today (got my physical copy this morning) the variety, the song-structures, the interludes, the lyrics, just everything on this record screams perfection. ive never heard anything like it, i cant classify it as a specific genre, because it steps over lines in almost every second of the songs. a more detailed review might follow
  10. #90

    Moridin Death Contagious Deity

    May 25, 2010
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    I got the CD/DVD today, just listened to the record for the first time and Wow. Still trying to process it, but my initial reaction is positive. Going to watch the doc now before spinning the album again.
  11. #91

    Ant Ambient

    Dec 10, 2004
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    11/10.... but, but... THAT'S UMPOSSIBLE!

    You giving it an 11/10 made me want to almost cry. Almost. In fact, your epic score is epic.
  12. #92

    DecanoLP Active Member

    Jun 2, 2010
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    The Requiem: One of the best intros I have ever heard. They did an awesome job in engineering Mike’s voice. Really mystic, love it! 9/10

    The Radiance: Couldn’t hear a break between these two songs that should be one. The drum beat is pretty nice and the speech fits perfectly. 9/10

    Burning In The Skies: Hated the 30 seconds sample but this song turned out really great, it gives me chills every time I listen to it. Love it when Chester starts singing “I’m swimming in the smoke”. Great guitar – solo as well. 8/10

    Empty Spaces: Well, yeah… these bombs sound pretty cool but that’s it. Shouldn’t have been a track 4/10

    When They Come For Me: First highlight for me. I’m in love with these drums, Mike’s rapping sounds really good, especially over the beat. Chrous and ending remind me of Indian – Music. Can’t wait to hear this live, full band singing? Chester’s vocals in the bridge are sick! 9/10

    Robot Boy: Well, least favourite track on the record. Sounds really boring and lame =/ Love how it fades directly into the next interlude… 5/10

    Jornada Del Muerto: Really interesting and great that Mike’s singing Japanese on this one. Like this one. 7/10

    Waiting For The End: Chester’s vocals right after Mike’s rapping are incredible. Then, the beat is kicking back in again and this “ooooooh” in the background is starting soon after that. Wow, chorus and ending are so damn good. One of the best vocal performances I’ve ever heard by Chester. 9,5/10

    Blackout: Favourite song on the record. The LPTV episode got me really pumped but this is just epic! Chester’s “rapping” and screaming over the beat (twice!), followed by this heavy electronic distortion alone are completely mind – blowing. But then we have this breakdown which might be my favourite moment on the whole record. Love Mike’s voice here. Incredible! 10/10

    Wretches and Kings: Heavy beat, heavy rap parts, heavy chorus. Reminds me of Nobody’s Listening. Great track, especially Mike’s bridge before the speec fades in the second time. 9/10

    Wisdom, Justice and Love: Speech makes me sad. Awesome how they manipulated the voice again, piano in the background fits perfectly. Good one although the ending is a bit weird. 7/10

    Iridescent: Yeah, this is good. The choir in the middle is incredible but I miss the guitar – solo they were talking about in the LPTV – episode?! =( Could be a really good single and a killer in the live set. Hopefully they’ll play this one instead of Shadow Of The Day. 8/10

    Fallout: Yay for using Burning In The Skies lyrics. Great transition into the next track. 7/10

    The Catalyst: Already wrote too much about this song. Intro is sick, love Chester’s powerful vocals and the ending with Chester/Mike singing together is really good. 8,5/10

    The Messenger: What a way to end this album. Never expected to hear something like this, this is like a dream became true. Chester hits some really high and awesome notes, this sounds so good. Love it. 9,5/10

    8,5/10 =) Really good record with some amazing lyircs, love this journey…. Booklet is great too =)
  13. #93

    Xodus112 Well-Known Member

    Aug 2, 2010
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    I don't see how anyone can say Mike's performances on this album did anything but enhance it. His singing has gotten VERY good and his rapping is 100% on point on each song he raps.
  14. #94

    finality Well-Known Member

    Dec 13, 2004
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    Oh come on, you're just being delusional now.
  15. #95

    Xodus112 Well-Known Member

    Aug 2, 2010
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    Delusional how? His singing is good on the record and his rapping is on point. I'm not saying his singing is on the level of Chester's (though, imo, it provides a good contrast) and his rapping is good, I'm not saying it's even his best work rapping, just on point, solid, good, however you want to say it.
  16. #96

    travz21 Muscle Museum LPA Super Member

    Sep 9, 2010
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    I like his singing a lot now. His verses on Burning In The Skies is very good. His singing in Blackout is also very good. His backups to Chester is also a nice touch. Iridescent is kind of flat for me, but it probably gets his emotion across better than if he went an octave higher. Maybe. I just think he should sing more in the higher end range.

    And his rapping has gone downhill imo. Something about the way he delivers it now makes it sound really hip hop. Before he used to remind me a lot of the old school rappers that would just deliver good rhymes without trying to sound so cool. His rapping on Waiting For The End is a cool variation, though. I still like his hip hop-ish delivery, it just comes across as trying too hard in my view. Maybe he was trying to sound that way, which is very possible.
  17. #97

    Xodus112 Well-Known Member

    Aug 2, 2010
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    Yea, I think his rapping style on this album was intentional. I think his style fit every song he rapped on ATS. But like a lot of things liking it or not is a matter of opinion. I think Mike has shown a decent amount of versatility as a rapper in his career. The way he raps in Step Up isn't like how he raps in It's Goin' Down, It's Goin Down isn't like how he raps on Waiting For the End, etc.
  18. #98

    travz21 Muscle Museum LPA Super Member

    Sep 9, 2010
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    I think he delivers his raps nearly identically in almost all of of LP's pre-Meteora stuff. All of his old stuff is golden. He just spits out rhymes with ease. Now it seems like he has to muster up more energy to get it out. Part Of Me, The Untitled, Step Up, It's Goin Down, Esaul, With You, Etc.
  19. #99
    The Candidate

    The Candidate Well-Known Member

    Jun 30, 2010
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    A Thousand Suns is not a narrative, but nevertheless it's a story, it's a musical journey that takes you with it and lead you through the universe of a thousand suns. The record itself has a great consistency and flews very well when you listen to it from start to end. The many interludes could in my opinion easily be seen as part of the actual songs. I think LP made that choice to make them separate cuts, to make it easier for the listener to enjoy to songs individually. They want the listener to take the time for the whole thing, but to coerce that?...No.

    The nine or ten songs (if you count The Requiem+The Radiance) are at the most moments really new.
    New for Linkin Park, and new to their fans and the listeners. For sure A Thousand Suns is not a musical revolution at all, but it is for Linkin Park. The first full-length track 'Burning in the Skies' shows that. it comes with a pure essence...but not a poor one. the song builds slowly and is best described with a mix of New Order, their older standout song 'Breaking the Habit' and a Roykskopp song. It's a beautiful one and one of the strongest performances on ATS. When They Come From Me and Robot Boy represent two opposites. In When They Com From Me it sounds like the great preparing for a fight and deals with uncertainty, hope and and anger, while Robot Boy tells the story of desperation, Loneliness and disillusion. Especially the latter one is one of the more unique pieces on the album. With no catchy hook the song, the track concentrates on its buildup and reminds somehow of the last two Muse records. A Really strong track, if you give it the chance to unfold. Waiting for The End is clearly single material. It combines old LP elements, but in a new articulation. Reggie-Rap from Mike Shinoda and Beatles/Keane singing from Bennington. The song sounds very popish, but in my opinion in a good way.

    Blackout is properly one of the best Linkin Park songs. It gives you the unexpected, and that throughout the son, the Reanimation-like bridge leads in an epic ending. Iridescents first minute has one of the best vocal performances on ATS overall and it comes from...Mike Shinoda. It's amazing how carefully Shinoda raise his voice and than sings very emotionally. It's really touching. In thechorus Chester comes in. Under a 80s new wave beat he's smashing out the lines. The Crowed will love that. This is maybe the contrast to the, also fan-orientated, Wretches and Kings. A traditional structured LP Song, in new clothes. Guitars like NIN and a chorus, in which Chester sounds like David from Disturbed, a real live song.

    The Catalyst is in its 5:40 minutes length for sure the epic piece on ATS. I'm not sure if it was the right lead-single for the album. Imagine how it would have touch you, if you had listen to it for the first time on the first listen of ATS.
    The Messenger is an acoustic-based piece, a short track compared to the other (almost) 4 minutes+ tracks. It's the perfect ending of an album that, will not change music history and neither will be a album everyone HAS to like or love, but an album which is honestly written and presented and finally will direct the discussion about a LP in, at least a slightly different, direction.

    Sorry for grammar ;)

    8/10 The Rquiem + The Radiance

    9/10 Burning in the Skies

    8,5/10 Empty Spaces + When They Come From Me

    9/10 Robot Boy

    8/10 Journada Del Muerto

    8,5/10 Waiting for The End

    7,5/10 Blackout

    7/10 Wretches and Kings

    6/10 Wisdom, Justice and Love

    9/10 Iridescent

    6/10 Fallout

    9/10 The Catalyst

    9/10 The Messenger

    overall: 8,75/10
    Last edited: Sep 11, 2010
  20. darkviruz

    darkviruz Well-Known Member

    Aug 18, 2010
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    When u look at the Discography from LP u will see ATS is the best Album ever. Even "Meteora" isnt good as ATS.
    Good Songs with hard Beats and Ballades!! GREAT

    "Wretches and Kings" is my fav. But havent a Song that i dont like.

    Must-Buy for LP-Fans!

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