Jawknee = Mr Happy <-- Jawnkee [/Rubbing It In] i havnt smilied for someone for about 2 years, seriously. [/b][/quote] Why not?I heard that even if you don't want to, smiling will make you fel good anyways.
I still have my mickey mouse ears back when we went to Disney World. I was like 4...and they don't fit anymore :*(
Is that a good or bad thing? :chemist: [/b][/quote] Well in that picture, you look Asian (which I believe that you are not) and I thought you would look different. Don't worry, you don't look ugly in what I expected.
Really? I though that was English the whole time becasue I have never heard of that name in Japanese but I am not sure about Korean.
Really? I though that was English the whole time becasue I have never heard of that name in Japanese but I am not sure about Korean. [/b][/quote] His name is Hawaiian but his dad is Japanese and his mom is Korean.
My first name is... English. I have a Japanese name but that's none of anyone's business and yes, my dad is Japanese and my mom is Korean .
What is your mission this time? Is Trinity doing ok? [/b][/quote] to save the world... or maybe go to the store to buy some very extreme, frantic, ludacris, loco, Wild Cherry Pepsi.
B) I'm making it look like how Chester had at Sanitarium, and in the Numb video [/b][/quote] That's awesome. You also look like someone who'd want to kick my ass in real life.
That's awesome. You also look like someone who'd want to kick my ass in real life. [/b][/quote] Everyone here wants to kick your ass, Will. I know I do. :argh:
Everyone here wants to kick your ass, Will. I know I do. :argh: [/b][/quote] That's just OUR foreplay, though.
Exactly. Shh. Don't tell anyone. [/b][/quote] I swear to you people I have no clue what Will is talking about. It's all in your head, Will!
I swear to you people I have no clue what Will is talking about. It's all in your head, Will! [/b][/quote]